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Sunday Cold Calling?

I found on the net mentioned practice that I implemented in my work life. And some people may or may not agree. That's why we have this discussion here I hope.

For many types of business, there is a natural cycle to the day that defines when they are most busy serving their clients. For my opinion cold calls can be much more successful if you identify the peak and slack periods of the day for the businesses you call on, and call only during the slower times. I believe that there is some kind of pattern here.

Also I experienced that many of business people go through a consistent weekly cycle. First thing Monday morning they go to work on their to-do list with great aspirations of accomplishing more this week than they did last week. On Monday morning many companies have their weekly staff meetings than on any other day of the week. When I call on Monday morning, I am least likely to find the person that I am calling available. Friday afternoon is also usually a bad time.Most people are scrambling to wrap up as many items as possible on their list so they get earlier home. Call at this time, and you're almost certain to get a "Call me next week."

Also I agree that there is no perfect time to (bother) cold call prospect.

And yes, you are right, I am talking for ME and what is working for ME, and what to avoid if someone is asking ME.
Respectfully, ME :cool:
Thanks for not being a douche....I was kind of just busting your chops because of your wording. I knew where you were coming from, bro.

I'm a fan of folks that can retort like a grown up professional, w/o getting your feelings hurt and start throwing rocks like a girl..

Sir, count me as a fan, respectfully.

I share your zest for sharing and swapping ideas and experiences in a cool way. Thanks for the banter w/o babying-out on me.
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Thanks for not being a douche....

I'm a fan of folks that can retort like a grown up professional, w/o getting your feelings hurt and start throwing rocks like a girl..


What woman stepped on your toes over the weekend? Noticed your post this morning in the Madison Life thread, "Love to see a well stated retort w/o a bunch of "lady feelings"........Facts and logic beat irrationally emotion laden outburst, any day." :)
not a problem. I got your point and like your spirit sir.
Like mentioned we are here to discuss and share our knowledge and experience. And it's important to showcase good manners and proper business etiquette.

All the best,
not a problem. I got your point and like your spirit sir.
Like mentioned we are here to discuss and share our knowledge and experience. And it's important to showcase good manners and proper business etiquette.

All the best,

Well shucks.. Another thread that won't be sent to the "fight" forum. :no:
I've learned so much in reading this thread, thank you all for sharing your experience!

I have worked in two different fields and Sunday calling has always been great for me, though I do it mostly in the evening. I have found more success in nighttime calling any day of the week as a matter of fact.

Thanks again!
I've learned so much in reading this thread, thank you all for sharing your experience!

I have worked in two different fields and Sunday calling has always been great for me, though I do it mostly in the evening. I have found more success in nighttime calling any day of the week as a matter of fact.

Thanks again!

I agree. It took me forever to try it but when I did I found that calling between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm can be very successful for me.
No offense but, I don't see how making a "proclamation" about what YOU would 'discourage'...as a Broker in San Diego does anybody any good.

Nor does even try to offer any valid reasoning for such 'discouragement'. Sounds more like you're strongly "suggesting" advice to your "children".

Most of the grown men and women, here would probably need more than a 'parental warning' about when to transact business.

Everybody doesn't have agree with others "take" on HOW a to run a business, but it's generally polite to at least "attempt" to explain a position, rather than come across like a scolding parent.

Again folks can take whatever day off they want........but to be so sanctimonious as to imply that BUSINESS isn't transacted on Sundays is down right silly and wrong.

A few Mormons have chosen NOT to 'work' in the NFL because of their beliefs and that's fine, more power to 'em.....
but many other "religious" Americans (including Tebow) seem to keep it pushing.
(And don't say they don't have a choice cause some BYU dudes have passed on the NFL, because it is WORKING on Sunday)

Malls are open on Sunday
Cars are sold on Sunday
Some banks are open Sunday
The strip club is open on Sunday
Airlines fly over the world on Sunday
Tax preparation offices are open on Sunday

So, although a 'broker in San Diego' discourages it.........

You can buy a BMW
Get a lap dance
Buy a ticket to France
Spend thousands at the mall &
An accountant can do taxes.........on SUNDAY

You most certainly can transact an insurance deal......should you chose

* Is it for everybody?........Nothing is.

Can you 'piss' somebody off, yep....just like you can on Saturdays or Fridays or Mondays or their Birthday or their Anniversary or "movie night"...point is we can conduct business whenever we're allowed and we're allowed to conduct business whenever a client will.

There are no federal or moral law that says you most conduct business only Monday-Friday 9a-5p, across a mahogany desk with a felt tip pen, wearing a smoking jacket.

Sometimes it's in a kitchen with too many cats, a crying baby that needs changing @ 10p on a Friday night or 2p on Sunday..it all works, if you do.

My point is for you young agents don't let some snob's uptightness keep you from feeding your family.

I live in SoCal, and many working "couples" can only meet together on Sundays and some not only request Sunday afternoon appointments, they LOVE that they can meet with a pro at a more relaxed time for them.

There are no absolutes when working in a sales profession, except those you chose.....which is fine as long as you chose with facts vs conjecture and 'old wives tales'.

Just telling like I see it, sorry for any 'feelings' hurt along the way.

I only di it once and not much success

WTF......Really?..... What's point of that post?

That's like saying:
I tried calling ONCE on a Tuesday, Tuesdays suck.....so I guess Tuesdays are no good cause you had poor results during one calling session.

Next thing we'll hear is.....
"I only tried sex ONCE and NOT MUCH SUCCESS"

(Must have been ONE powerful experience to decide to give it up after one try, .....powerful (got a number,for her?....I like challenges):1tongue::err: