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Sunday Followups and Appts

I frequently follow up on Sundays....Everyones religion is different...I certainly learned that when a large portion of my wifes family refused to attend our Saturday afternoon wedding (nor send a gift :( ).

Matter of fact earlier today I was with my kids at my parents house but pulled out my cell and called a client I need to delivery a policy to. I was driving right by her work tomorrow for other business and I was going to at least try and reach her to deliver the policy. I reached her on the phone and set up a 5 minute policy delivery for Monday.

The bigger issue for me on Sundays has not been to be chewed out based on religion but instead based on a football game. I do not call until the afternoon when most people have finished worship and I always call my Monday appointments Sunday to confirm. I live in a state where driving an 1 hour one way is not uncommon and I want to know as early as possible if the client needs to reschedule.

If you want to know as early as possible wouldn't the Friday before work better? Ask them to let you know if for any reason they wouldn't be able to make the appt.
If you want to know as early as possible wouldn't the Friday before work better? Ask them to let you know if for any reason they wouldn't be able to make the appt.

In all fairness:
1) You've got to REACH to prospect on a FRIDAY (getting a hold of the prospect was the OP's issue in the first place....On that alone Friday vs Sunday isn't even a fair fight)

2) "the Friday before" sounds great but the reality is..... a much higher % of ppl live their lives during the w/e and totally forget about you by Monday.

Not that they trying to forget you, but "c'mon man", your sales appointment just doesn't rise to the level of remembering "to let you know" vs them living their lives doing something FUN ....for most ppl but if you "touch bases" on Sunday night it will definitely increase your contact ratio w/o question.

Whether or not, one (being the salesperson) has a personal moral objection is a different issue but if anybody wants to sell themselves on the idea that confirming "next week" appointments on the "Friday before" is anywhere near as effective has Sunday p.m.......their gravely mistaken.

Monday no-show appointments are widely known in every in-home sales gig, ppl just simply "forget"...that's why we salespeople offer appointments for tomorrow or the following day..... NOT 4 nights later, we know better.
Can you work around it course but let's not go so far has to say that's the best scenario. (Your preference, great but numerically, better?...Not true)

Friday before vs Sunday night = Sunday night's gotta win by least 30% higher sit rate, hands down...how many things are going to "come up" over w/e (Fri/Sat&Sun nights past, since your last touch).

Once again, we as human beings can decide what.... WE are or are not willing to do but there can be little debate that you will get:

a) more ppl home on Sunday night vs Friday night
b) better sit ratios confirming Mon/Tue sits on Sun vs Fri
c) a less "busy on the way out the door" P on Sun vs Fri night

I always find it funny when salespeople "proclaim" how and under what circumstances they'd buy...it reminds me of ;;;;I dunno what prospects say BEFORE they buy under different circumstances than THEY laid out.(The P can't be 100% in control of when/how they buy.....that's why sales is a skill set vs "selling" tickets at the movie counter...what if all your prospects were as 'smart' and "defiant" as to when/where/how they were going to buy as you "if i were a client" sales people....it'd be a different world, right?......well folks it isn't..... ppl including you buy a) when they want it or b) when they 're "helped" to want it NOW......"b) is where the real salespeople WORK")

When salespeople "agree" with a P's objection, themselves it will always be an issue for that salesperson.
When Ach-ing from checking accounts first started the guys that didn't "think" ppl would like the idea of "someone" automatically taking money out of their accounts....were ironically the same guys that always found the clients that were adverse to the idea....shocking, I know.

My point is.... if YOU have a problem w/ Sunday, guess what?....There IS problem w/ Sunday....no matter what the reality is because your perception is your reality.
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Very true!! I avoid pains in the asses altogether, no matter what day of the week.
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I will definitely avoid calling anyone over 35 because that is when I've gotten the most negative feedback. I spoke to a 25yr old with no hesitation for an hour. The bottom line is if they were truly interested, it would not matter what day of the week it is. And pains in the assess will always be that no matter what day it is.

Bro,.......you can’t play that over/under 35 game because WE aren’t that smart.

If that were the case, those “19th century gentlemen and ladies” would call you and apologize for not getting back to you, earlier and it wouldn’t have gotten to the point where you have to hunt them down.
They'd also say please and thank you and send you a nice apple pie for “helping” them... we don’t live there anymore, my friend.

Don’t over think it, just be dumb enough to make your calls, be nice to ppl and those that are nice ppl will be nice ppl any day of the week.
Too many salespeople become “their own prospect” by thinking “for them” please don’t try to do that.

· If 3 ppl get upset that you called them on Thursday night, because it was Bible study…do you give Thursdsys
· Somebody under 35 is going to be mad that you called on Tuesday night’s prayer dinner…vow to NEVER call on Tuesdays again
· Men’s night at the church is Monday and the Women have Wednesday
· I guess that leaves Friday night, unless…..

Get the point, it’s never prefect just shoot the damn, I mean, darn ball.

Best of Luck, fellow Chicagoan;)
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If they have a jewish name, call them on sunday, They go to the synagogue, on saturday.

Here is yet another example of why, you can't be that smart. the advise is great,but how much time can you devote to the linguistic origins of names or whether or not a P practices his/her faith on Saturday vs Sunday vs Wednesday.

Again, don't get me wrong b61mack makes a GREAT point the problem is you (as a salesperson)...can't win this one,.

It's like trying not to get poisoned at a restaurant, no matter how much time or effort or how many yelp reviews you read....if the carrots are bad tonight....you're gonna get sick and you couldn't have done ANYTHING in terms of 100% prevention beforehand.

So save yourself the worry, you can't prevent pissing some ppl off if you're in the business of calling folks, period.

The solution.....wait for them to call you?.....Good luck with that.

Those carrots were going to get you sick at home or in the restaurant.....just like IF a P can be pissed whether a Christian, a Jew, a 7th day, a Mormon, a Voodoo worshiper on Mon/Wed?Sat/Sun ...whatever (too much mind reading).

The bottom line is it's better to ask for forgiveness (w/ a P on the phone) then to try and figure it out (w/o a P on the phone)....

IMO it's like asking a women for forgiveness vs trying to "figure" out how not to piss off a chick you want to approach.

IMHO, you'll get more by risking getting slapped vs waiting for the more appropriate time to ask.....then again, there a lot of smarter, lonelier guys out there:1tongue:then me.
1) P= prospect

2) Call your P's w/o regard to your superior ability figure out "their" religious background & practices based on your "knowledge" of the origins similar last names...IMO it's a waste of time....because you can't be right....100% of the time anyway.

3) My point was, why spend all that time trying to "figure out" how not to have an unpleasant occurrence, when....no matter what you do, they still happen.

We call ppl at their homes, sometimes they are not going to be happy to, hear from you...be that moment.... be it a Sunday, a Saturday or a Monday.....we can always be seen as intruders, period. (Nature of the beast)

* Just like the best laid plans won't prevent you from salmonella poisoning in carrots...it's just a chance you take every time you eat fruit and veggies.....calling into someone else's house is no different, you take your chances and if it's really bad timing.

Apologize for THAT instance and move on but that should not make you stop calling altogether, because you can't figure out, when all the "bad times" are for each house BEFORE you dial........ no more than you can figure when the next salmonella outbreak will happen.

You just keep eating your carrots and calling your P's and hope for the best.

There no "fail-safe" days and there are no "devil's gonna get ya for calling today" days either, because they'd be different for everyone, so why waste energy trying to figure out fool's gold.

I know ppl who do 80% of their appointment setting on Sundays, it's more of a salesperson's baggage than a P issue.....
I also know guys that would never dream of calling anybody on a Sunday.

Some ppl will see P's on Sundays others will chastise the idea of "selling" on a Sunday..They'll "swear" ppl would NEVER be seen on a Sunday or except a call , whatever. (baggage)

Any day of the week can be great or suck for whatever reason, salespeople CHOOSE......
My point to the OP was don't "sike" yourself out to think you can figure out when NOT to call based on your own personal beliefs as to when you'd want to receive a sales call......it's not that easy.

You reach 'em when you can, if that's your objective...if you have "another" objective that's cool but he asked about reaching P's
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Whole Heartedly agree with the above post. Clients and Prospects make an instant choice to be upset or not....I can't tell you how many times I've been returning a clients call and they don't hear what I say and hang up on me....I call right back and we laugh about it....I've even done that a couple times with prospects and I'll tell you they at least listen when I call back.

I am not advocating that you call every that blows you off right back....I am saying that you would be surprised how your call seconds ago was a major interuption or so they lead you to believe but when you call right back and they hear what you say it was just a way to get rid of you.