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Survey For DOOR TO DOOR!

I'm not saying that... the city is. Otherwise, I would've hosted a big neighborhood block party, promoting it using the local ice-cream trucks with their speakers to invite everyone. Then, maybe incite a riot using the megaphone.

But I can't do that. The city won't let me. (Darn.)


If you want to feel even "more official"... put some LIMRA & "Life Insurance Awareness Month" logos on your survey.

For life agents... EVERY month is "Life Insurance Awareness Month"! :)
I've done my homework. It states in my area that no sale or purchase is necessary for the peddler/solicitor rule to apply. Anytime you are going up on someone's property you are considered a peddler and need to have a permit.
It won't let me post the url.
Whether or not a survey counts as peddling in your specific area is not my argument. I was only stating that if he is going to be try doing this in a wealthy neighborhood, expect the police to pay him a visit regardless of the rules. You are being watched and someone will call the police eventually.
I've done my homework. It states in my area that no sale or purchase is necessary for the peddler/solicitor rule to apply. Anytime you are going up on someone's property you are considered a peddler and need to have a permit.
It won't let me post the url.
Whether or not a survey counts as peddling in your specific area is not my argument. I was only stating that if he is going to be try doing this in a wealthy neighborhood, expect the police to pay him a visit regardless of the rules. You are being watched and someone will call the police eventually.

Important to know your laws...I also believe an ounce of prevention is worth a lot which is why my first knock is at the police station.
Thank You sooo Much, this is GOLD!
Thank's for reviving this old post. There's some good stuff in here.

The survey's too long, but Newby's 3 question intro, is simple and effective. Last I heard.. he was still in the business too.

You can either sit on the couch complaining that you don't have money for leads, or you can go make someone happen today!

If your WHY is big enough, your find a way to GET IT DONE!

Hate to say it, but a lot of agents wait until the're facing an eviction or their car is about to be repossessed before they light that fire under their a**!

That's the old "flashes of greatness on an emergency basis", for which I'm not ashamed to admit I'm all too familiar with...

Knocking on doors in 100-degree temperatures is all about how bad do you want it?!!!

It takes the mentality of, "I'm not going home until I get in 3-4 homes today or set 3 next day appointments", vs. "Well, I've been out here 3 hours and haven't got in once! It's too hot! I'm calling it a day!"

That's why door knocking doesn't work for most people. You gotta be willing to grind it out all day if you have to! You can't be lazy, and expect results banging doors only 3 hours a day. That's works for P&C, but it takes more time to find those life and health prospects.

For some, the will to win just comes natural. For others, it takes daily practice.
First mistake......telemarketing.

It is easier to say no over the phone.
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If anyone wants to make a trip to Arkansas.....I can show you how to successfully do the survey.....I will make a trip to your city if the price is right....LOL!
Awesome job with this survey, going to try this. Who are you contracted with and at what commission level?
Surveys work as a way to add fuel into your funnel.....
To never 'have to', have NOBODY to talk to...in a nation of 300M btw

Surveys don't have to be door to door ...they just have to be DONE if
your going to do them, period.

The VAST majority of 'so called' sales ppl 'could' if they really WANTED to 'not' lose could commit a few hours a week...as if it were a JOB, where their FOOD MONEY was on the line...to just get out there and SPOKE TO PEOPLE....live in person.

Unless, you live in Mayberry (even if you did you could drive 'up to Raleigh...just like Andy and Ant Bee did from time to time) again the vast majority of folks 'could'

Conduct surveys in and around stores, strip malls, Starbucks etc...just 1-2 minute quick seemingly benign interactions is ALL human beings need to make a connection....trade info, emails, cell phone numbers, websites.....anything that leads to or helps FOLLOW UP, which leads to appointments live or virtual

The point is whether it's
Manhattan Beach, Ca....Manhattan Ks.....or Manhattan NYC or
Pasadena in Ca, Tx or Md

People move around and are available to SPEAK to for a quick moment or two w/o it being about door 2 door or bust.

Think 11a-2pm almost any decent size town in America...ppl are taking lunch, drinking Starbucks, heading to the gym, the dry cleaners, Wal-Mart, the dentist etc bottom line is there is PLENTY of motion going on such that ANYBODY that commits to BRIEFLY M&G to MEET n GREET 'people'

Again that IF they want or they can be 'right' and just accept FAILURE as a RIGHT!

People can CRY....'you 'need' this permit and this permission ...or people can go get it done, period.

When you're a young man with the GOAL of getting some GD phone numbers from pretty girls I'll bet you didn't CRY about some stupid ordinance....you SPOKE to several girls waking by you traded information, spoke for a few minutes and kept it MOVING......

ANYBODY 'committed' to adding ppl to talk to could spend 2-3 days a week between 11a-1p
as ppl are GUARANTEED to be out and about
during lunch periods at THEIR JOBS
a SALESPERSON 'could' make it THEIR JOB to interact with say

8 ppl a day Tues/Wed/Thu = 24 ppl a week x 4.33 weeks
that's 100 new ppl/month...met in PERSON for FREE!

Go to the $1 store...get some clipboards, paper, pens and go to WORK!

Can't do days?

Ppl also move around AFTER work...In or near Starbucks, heading into 'some' store, again to and from the gym, heading to and from to work ppl take the subway/train/bus station platform etc
(their standing there WAITING on the train/bus if you WAIT for 3 to come how many ppl have you met? Who have JOBS!)
These ppl get off work between 4-7pm EVERYDAY....and unlike during morning Rush hour where they are rushing, rushing to beat a clock to swipe in to work the P.M. commute is a bit more relaxed, again some stop for coffee, a quick bite, visit the gym, do a little shopping etc...they are much easier and open for a quick 1-3 minute interaction during the evening commute.

Lastly, during the WEEKENDS...we could run into GAZILLION ppl again IF the mission, the job, the absolutely important enough to get done goal was to
MEET n GREET a few folks....

not all day just a quick committed 2-3 hours block and make it a commitment a part of YOUR business, job, career...whatever it takes to make sure X number of hours meeting NEW blood is part of keeping your business afloat....

If salespeople learned to ADD the activity of meeting new humans that by responding to questions on surveys or by reacting to the card/flyer, the take-one whatever...have raised their specific hand, thus sorting themselves out as better prospects to follow up with, life becomes easier....

Those same ppl lead to family friends and referrals that can't and won't be reached until the 1st connection is made.....
but SOMEBODY as to meet the 1st girl before
she leads you to the sorority
and the cousin
and the friend
and the neighbor
and the so on and so on

The big problem is too many sales folks forget....we need to constantly be meeting new 1st girls....but there are PLENTY of them out there, everyday.

If we commit to X number of SCHEDULED not 'possible' could be but SCHEDULED time o just go MEET ppl it's hard not to meet ppl that will SHOW themselves as prospects over time no matter what....it's IMPOSSIBLE to not meet ppl if your goal is to meet them.

The more you meet the more either they or somebody they lead you to will be a candidate for WHATEVER you have in your bag, period

What are you doing with that 5-10 hours a week anyway?

We're in the helping ppl business...
you can't help 'em if you don't KNOW them
if you aren't KNOWN, as somebody that can HELP

Get out there and go KNOW and become KNOWN

Simply as that, we are boutique size businesses folks we NEVER have an excuse NOT to have enough ppl to talk to.....

You're not IBM....you don't have 100's of ppl on the phone needing 1000's
of leads an hour to burn through ,we have small boutique sniper like organizations, we can survive and strive because we don't need McDonalds like number
We have the advantage that X number of fresh data FEEDS us very well, for weeks, months at a time

Think about could REALLY handle 100-200 new clients a month?
C'mon we make a GREAT living with 1200 new clients a year or way less

There is little excuse not to make a great living except that too many folks get in their own way over thinking this ish....go talk to 6 ppl a day 4 days a week
meet 24 ppl a week, that over 100 a month......

How can you NOT survive and eat well doing such a thing.....
oh I know WAITING for some schmuck to AMEN the plan
to legitimize it
to TELL you it's 'ok' to SPEAK to other humans
for some suit from corporate to BLESS it for you
to have city hall hold a parade to 'ok' you speaking to folks

no wonder ppl have to online to TRY to get a freaking date
but PASS thousands of other humans daily RUSHING to the computer screen

I'm old, I stupidly still think if I were a young dude out there still chasing...
I bet I could still go out of the street and actually STILL meet and TOUCH more real live woman in a month than all that 'figuring' on the dating app/site

same thing in sales go TOUCH somebody constantly and you'll constantly have food!
When you're a young man with the GOAL of getting some GD phone numbers from pretty girls I'll bet you didn't CRY about some stupid ordinance....you SPOKE to several girls waking by you traded information, spoke for a few minutes and kept it MOVING......

This is so true. If I wasn't so good at THAT I wouldn't be so confident with meeting people in person.

And remember folks, if a woman is super confident, doing everything right, and blowing your mind, she is probably trying to sell you something! ;)