TesTeachers Presents 10 Test Tips Guaranteed to Increase Your Score!

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You can and will pass your licensing exam. Confidence in yourself is where it all starts. If you think you are going to fail, you will fail. Go into the exam with confidence, and you will pass. Of course, you have to put in quite a bit of work yourself. It doesn’t happen by magic, and these exams are not easy.

That being said, here are a few testing tips which will give you the inside edge to passing your exam on your first attempt:

Tip #1: Read the Question
If you have been studying hard, you already know that you have missed questions simply because you have misread them. Don’t make that mistake on the actual exam. Read the entire question twice before looking at the answers, and then read every answer before selecting the best answer. Response A could be good, but response D could be even better.

Tip #2: Know the Language
You are learning a new language, which is the language of insurance. If you don’t know what the words mean, you will have a real tough time on the exam. Make sure you know what all the related terms mean and all the synonyms.

Tip #3: Understand the Concepts
Your exam will be generated for you on the spot from a databank of thousands of exam questions. If you think you can simply memorize answers to study questions, you are wrong. You should work to understand the concepts the questions are based on, versus memorizing the correct answers. If you can explain why the correct answer is correct and the others are incorrect for every question in your study program you will be good to go.

Tip #4: Know Yourself
If you are a morning person, schedule your exam in the morning. If you are not a morning person, don’t schedule your exam for the morning. Everyone is different. You want to take your exam when you are at your best.

Tip #5: Know Where the Testing Center is
There is nothing worse than getting lost on your way to take your exam. Make sure you know exactly where you are going and make sure to get there early. This will ensure, even if you hit a major traffic jam on the freeway, you still have plenty of time to get to the exam.

Tip #6: Don’t Race
Yes, it is true that the exam has a time limit in which you must complete it. For 99.9% of people, the time limit provided is more than enough. If you race through the exam you will miss questions simply because your misread them. Remember, your license is on the line, and they don’t give out a blue ribbon to the first person who finishes. Take the time you are given and use it wisely.

Tip #7: Only Review the Toughest Questions
Don’t mark every question for review as you take the exam. If you know the answer to a question, select it and move on. Only mark a question for review if you don’t know the answer for sure.

Tip #8: Take a Break Half Way Through
Some exams will give you a scheduled break half way through the exam. If the exam you are taking does, use it, and if the exam you are taking doesn’t, elect to take one. Get up, use the restroom, get a drink of water and go to your happy place. Your happy place is the most peaceful place you have ever been or can possibly imagine. Stay there for a minute. Refocus and continue your exam. You should be refreshed and ready to tackle the second half of the exam.

Tip #9: Don’t Change Your Answers
Once you complete your exam, and begin to review the few questions you marked for review, don’t change an answer unless you have a really good reason to, such as the correct answer was provided in another question you came across later in the exam. Your first choice is usually your best.

Tip #10: Celebrate
When you pass your exam, make sure to reward yourself for a job well done. You are one of a select few who put forth the effort necessary to obtain licensure and you should take time to celebrate your accomplishment. Licensure is the first step towards a fulfilling career in the insurance and financial services industries.

If you are looking for additional testing tips please view the videos below:

TesTeachers provides online, self-study and in-person insurance and securities pre-license training nationwide. Please visit our site to learn more: www.testeachers.com

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