Texas Applicant/Heart Attack


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Gotta guy on the risk pool that wants out (obviously). He had a heart attack more than 5 years ago and had a stint put in. 4.5 years ago they went back in and cleaned out the build-up around the stint and did a radiation treatment to keep it clean. He has has no problems since, lost weight and is in good physical condition, works-out etc. I know Unicare will decline...but will any other indie plan take him in TX?
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Thanks TX...will they look at him after 5 years of the stint clean out?
I don't think this person will EVER get Texas IFP with any reputable carrier. Too much risk.

We do have a great risk pool - I am sure client wants a lower rate but our pool is very well managed compared to other states - IMHO.