The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

I had some policies I wrote during OEP that the 2016 agent went into and hijacked in Feb. And I know others on here had the same problem.
The problem with this story is it generalizes agents as facilitators of fraud. I have some clients that were auto enrolled for 2017 that I could not get in touch with. They are still showing up on my book of business. The notice that was mailed to them from me was returned undeliverable and there cell phones had been disconnected. The companies cannot end the policy without permission from the Marketplace and with the 365 day limit on agent authorizations they will not even discuss the account with us to alert them to any potential problems with the account. I believe that a lot of the unauthorized accounts are due to the auto enrollment process. Most people do not understand it even though the agree to all of the disclaimers at the end of the application. It does not specifically say that they are giving their permission to the Marketplace to auto enroll them every year that they do not actively pick a plan for themselves.
I used a Web Broker for all plan years except the first year when it was not an option. Kept good records that show the last interaction that I had with all Marketplace clients. Those that only used the website to do enrollments may have a harder time proving when was the last time they actively enrolled their clients especially if their MIA client's application retained their NPN each time it was auto enrolled in 2016 and 2017.
I wonder how many of the unauthorized applications were with companies that pay zero commissions where the agent chose to no longer work with the company. How many were auto enrollments attached to agents who quit the ACA?
They do not understand that most independent agents and brokers are small business owners, ethical worker who care about their clients. We are also not so desperate for business that we would commit a crime that "really does not pay" literally in most cases.
She's ALIIIIIIVE (in a spooky voice) :

Some congressional Democrats think it's possible, even likely, that President Donald Trump will offer Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia the post of Department of Energy secretary. That would allow Trump to move current Energy Secretary Rick Perry to the Department of Homeland Security to fill John Kelly's vacancy created when he shifted to become the White House chief of staff.

In this musical-chairs scenario, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice—who just switched from Democrat to Republican—would then appoint a Republican to fill Manchin's Senate seat.
That could give McConnell the 50 Republican votes he needs to pass a new repeal-and-replace bill under Senate budget reconciliation rules. If the 49 GOP senators who voted for McConnell's stripped-down repeal bill last month backed the new legislation, the McConnell wouldn't need the votes of the three Republicans—Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and John McCain—who voted no last time.
Repubs own it now and have no replacement. The people with pre-ex vote.

Only 3 "No votes " were needed. Those were available and number 4 is likely available if needed. It will be fun to watch.
Guess you never contemplated strategy as response to inheriting a pig farm.

There used to be one on our favorite bike route. It really stunk. The owners died. Yhe new owners cleaned it up. There now is a really nice house surrounded by beauty. It took a while.

Repubs haven't made the 1st attempt.


Tater, I guess you never contemplated strategy as response to inheriting a pig farm

There used to be one on our favorite bike route. It really stunk. The owners died and the new people cleaned it up. There is now a really nice house surrounded by beauty. It took a while.

The repubs knew what they were getting and haven't taken the 1st step.
OK... riddle me this batman.

I buy a house from a crack dealer, does that make me a crack dealer?


Another statement:

Back in the day when I served in politics I came in and the city was over-run with apartments(greater % of multi family VS single family homes. This problem was affecting our tax base and the question was how to fix it to stabilize advalorum base. We decided to NOT approve any additional multi family in an effort to push more single family and commercial base. Question, was that the correct move or should I have voted to just destroy and raise the apartment buildings?

Think about that... I didn't allow those multi family zoning permits.... I had no part of that.... We were stuck with it but the decisions made from that point forward I could change and did.

We are stuck with ObamaCare and only time and sound decisions going forward will somewhat help in blunting the blow of problems ACA is causing.

See... I feel you can NOT repeal ACA... To me repeal and replace is the same as repealing... The only way to fix it is to fix the current problem with a bipartisan approach... You can't tear down those apartment buildings
Good job on fixing the tax base. Developers run the council here and generally allow as much construction as can be squeezed onto a piece of land.

I consider the cycling population. We rode 53 miles yesterday. All were healthy enough to ride that distance in TN heat for fun. Most could not pass underwriting pre-ACA. The fact that obtaining coverage without having access to group was a problem was ignored for years.

ACA fixed the underwriting issue. Now they need to fix participation and pay for it. Anyone that's ever dealt with a large renewal understands that rates are only an estimate of claims and admin. We've had 8-10% trend for years and the only explanation for the increases we've seen with ACA is not having everyone enrolled.

Repubs are in power now and if they want to stay, they'd better deal with what is. What is is that people will be pissed if they end up without coverage.

What is is that we spend more on our military offense that the rest of the world - much more. We have limited resources which raises the old economic question of "guns or healthcare". Better not choose wrong.
If you damn cyclists don't move over further to the right side of the road, I'm gonna run your asses over.:yes:

Good job on fixing the tax base. Developers run the council here and generally allow as much construction as can be squeezed onto a piece of land.

I consider the cycling population. We rode 53 miles yesterday. All were healthy enough to ride that distance in TN heat for fun. Most could not pass underwriting pre-ACA. The fact that obtaining coverage without having access to group was a problem was ignored for years.

ACA fixed the underwriting issue. Now they need to fix participation and pay for it. Anyone that's ever dealt with a large renewal understands that rates are only an estimate of claims and admin. We've had 8-10% trend for years and the only explanation for the increases we've seen with ACA is not having everyone enrolled.

Repubs are in power now and if they want to stay, they'd better deal with what is. What is is that people will be pissed if they end up without coverage.

What is is that we spend more on our military offense that the rest of the world - much more. We have limited resources which raises the old economic question of "guns or healthcare". Better not choose wrong.
If you damn cyclists don't move over further to the right side of the road, I'm gonna run your asses over.:yes:

I used to think that. Then I timed how long I was actually stuck behind them. Usually less than a minute which is also less than passing a school bus and about what it takes to pass a tractor. I also noticed that even when taking up the entire lane, the other side of the road is as clear as it is when passing a car. We are easier than passing a car because we usually run at 15-20mph.

I generally ride where the right tire goes to have room to my right of needed. I never ride on the shoulder because there is too much trash there and TN doesn't have much shoulder out in the country.

I weigh the risks of bouncing off a car driven by an ignorant fuckin asshole against the other health benefits and so far have continued to ride. Been riding consistently for 19 yrs and resting pulse is ~45.

Hopefully you're using good manners when passing. We appreciate it and do try to ride steady so drivers know what we're doing. Many are also running Gopros to document.

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