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"…the annual index growth that will be recognized in the calculation of the index earnings for an equity indexed segment on a segment anniversary. We will determine in advance the participation rate applicable to each equity indexed segment for each twelve month period and will communicate it to you in an annual report or in notices to you."
For all that live by the EIUL Illustration, this is a common language about the Illustration backing up claims of 8-9% or greater. So tell me, what does this kind of language mean? Well, it means that they will credit what they want when they want!
Moral of the story? Know the Policy and Contractual Language you are selling. Now don't expect to find this language in any Brochure of the EIUL. Some suggest that the EIUL is nothing more then a gimmick to get pass the accepted practice of presenting Illustrations, agreed to in 2001 by the Insurance Industry.