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This Cold Calling Stuff is Hard Eh :-/

Who has the best dailer plan? I have checked out MOJO and such. But the prices are all over the place. It would be nice to find a place that includes data.

The problem with folks that include data is that typically it's low quality data. What they'll do is buy a large national list that may have not been updated for years and then slice it off for folks. That's not always the case, but it's a common occurrence.

SalesDialers.com is $99 with promo code AML. The deal I have for forum folks is $59/1,000 or $99/2,000 records, so between those two you're at under $199 either way for what's probably a months worth of dialing.
Cold calling is just like doing laundry. Nobody likes to do it. When its done and you look back at the hard work you put in and make some money, it sure makes the work worth it. It never really gets fun, but it get more rewarding the more you do it and tune it. Nobody knows you, so dont take anything that anybody says negative on the phone personally.
I am in the same boat as you. I've just started cold calling too and am not having much success so far. it's daunting and I too feel that conversation doesn't flow, it's forced. I'm sure with practice we will improve. Good luck to you.
Some people cold call and some don't. Some people find it easier than others. The first dial is the toughest for me. I find it best if you track your calls. # of dials, # of connects, # of leads. Otherwise it's easy to get lost and think you're dialing a lot more than your are. For me, bout 2 1/2 hrs is all I can do on a given day. In the begining, its a great way to make lemonade. Above all, its an attitude. Be proud and dial my friend.