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Time Management....

Empty...I've got a question about your day. Do you find your calling results are better in your morning session or afternoon session or do they seem to be the same?
The same, I go through so many calls, instead of playing nice with the gatekeepers, instead I will just politely excuse myself, and go on to the next call. Mojo is situated for 4 dials before going on to the next call. Over 115 calls an hour. Usually 1-2 leads, and 1-3 pipeline leads per hour.
I used to worry about times, thats why I dont call at 9am. Thats everyone's open/prep time, I get better responses at 10am.
So since my dialer is set on 4 rings, usually im spending most of my time talking to biz owners directly, and my script is honest and refreshing so nobody is angry or perturbed when I call them. I get one asshole every 2 or 3 days. Everyone is pleasant and appreciative of my honesty.
Call anytime, better than no-time....
I subscribe to a virtual office that has an app for my blackberry phone. The virtual office has a toll free number option that I have elected as I plan to market in several states.

If my office phone is not online (VOIP) or I do not answer after 4 rings (customizable), the virtual phone attendant obtains the callers information and simultaneously rings up to three other numbers, one which happens to be my cell.

So, I am "available" all the time and can choose to answer the calls appropriately.

I also tell my clients I am available 24/7 as I cannot imagine getting many calls, but I add that if I do not return the call with 2 hours during business hours (8a-6p), it is because I am with a client and providing them with my undivided attention as I am providing to you right now.
I want to talk about Time Management for a second..

If you have nothing to do, then you are not using your time wisely. Have a plan and then work it! Go ahead and plan out your week. Write it down and then try and do it.

At least put 40 hours a week into this business, and spend those 40 hours really working your butt off.


If you are not getting in front of people, then you are doing something wrong!

IF you have nothing to do, read about book about selling insurance, or study your products.

Time in a week can go by fast, so plan it out and get it done!
I wonder how many of you are constantly on the blackberry texting, talking, checking email,etc ? Or constantly on the cell phone ? Or constantly working at jobs that could be handled by a $10/hour employee?
on the 20 point system you would gain points for working out. Does anyone work out daily? If so, do you prospect to the other gym members? Also, while I know EVERYONE always carry's a stack of business cards with them, do you hand them out everywhere you go or discuss your business with most people you meet?

I am trying to be much more aware that everywhere I go there are prospects around. So i have been trying to leave a business card or mention that I try to save people money on health insurance to people I am around.

For example, I am going to a car show this afternoon which is very large. I am bringing a stack of business cards and plan to distribute every one of them before I leave. At the same time, I want it to be a more conversational approach rather than trying to approach people with a sales pitch. I will be going with my family (wife and 3 daughters) so I hope that will also keep it more conversational.

Do any of you market this way as well? or have any opinions about working or marketing everywhere you go all the time?