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Tip: What to Say when Making Cold Calls


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
As many of you know from my posts, I tend to tell people what NOT to do. With that said, I do tell people where I learned my techniques on selling so they can go learn for themselves. I believe that you need to do the work in order to be successful and the people who aren't looking to do the work aren't going to be successful no matter what you tell them. So why waste my time?

With that said... I do get a lot of personal messages on here looking for help so I thought I would post a couple. Here is one.

When you're prospecting think about what would get YOUR attention. What would make you say... I want to know more!

Years ago I got a call from a telemarketing firm who specialized in setting group insurance appts. When they called they told me they specialized in group insurance appts but when I asked what kind of results they got, they told me they couldn't say. "They're different on every campaign". Now, I have cold called for years, hired telemarketers and trained them on what to say and they all got pretty much the same results. (The ones who stuck it out anyway).

If this was a professional firm who focused on B2B appt setting for group insurance... wouldn't they know their numbers??? They should have them down to an exact number. And why wouldn't they lead with that number?? ... maybe its because they were so bad that they couldn't say. Which ended up being the case. I know cause I hired them for $2500 for 100 hours and got NO appts and only 10 renewal dates. Then they wanted another $2500 because they were getting close to getting results! ha!

My point is... most people lead with "we specialize in" or "we're experts in" and to me this is another way of saying... we have no successes so we say this because it sounds good. Or we want to convince you we're better than we really are. :)

After falling for that telemarketing firm I knew I would never fall for that line again. I wanted to hear results because results are were the bread and butter is. If you're good at what you do... you will have results and results you should be proud of. (btw.. that telemarketing firm is out of business. big surprise)

It took me a couple years to really figure this out and it happened when my company got sold and they cut our commissions in half. There was really only one company that I wanted to work for so I called up the owner for a job. My thought when I called him was this... He would be an *** if he didn't hire me!! The only way he wouldn't is if I didn't let him know what an *** he would be.

So I call and I get the receptionist who put me through to his assistant. When she picked up the phone I said to her... "I am the #1 broker for XYZ, the largest firm in the northeast. I tripled the production of over 42 other brokers 2 years in a row. I'm calling Bill to see if he is looking for his #1 broker. Do you know if he is?"... she responded with... hold on I am connecting you right now. He picked up and and I said the exact same thing to him. I went in the next day and was hired immediately.

I learned a couple things from that call.

- People like results!
- When you believe in yourself and your product you can sell anything... and if they don't buy, then they're an *** and you don't want them anyway.

I thought about this with the telemarketing firm and others like them that have called me. None of them ever call and say... "we just set 10 appts this week for an insurance firm in 20 hours of calling".

My advice is to lead with a success. No matter what you're calling about... let them know that you're successful. That you helped someone in a big way and you want to show them the results. Successful people love to hear about other successful people!

If I told you I set 1 appt in every 34 dials with C level people, would you want to know how I did it? Would you want to know what I say? Of course you would... and so do your prospects!
Many? You make it sound like you are one of the more sought after and read posters on the forum. Overestimating yourself...a tad.

Lol... Not at all but I do get a lot of requests for help. I'm guessing its the opposite for you. Regardless, I am writing a post of successful vs unsuccessful people.. Wonder what group you'll fall into?
I usually never post but this struck a cord with me as I see it to be the reason why most public hate salespeople.

Bravado chest pounding may work in NJ but overall this is the worst advice ever and guarantees you're lumped into the stereotypical used car salesman role.
The call being discussed is an INDUSTRY call. If I was calling a company within the industry, and I wanted to be taken seriously, and I had a well-known reputation for top sales production, coaching, and management... I would brag about it as the reason to connect my call immediately as well.

Can you harness this idea for sales to end customers? Possibly. And yes, I agree that you'd have to tone it down, but it can be done.
I usually never post but this struck a cord with me as I see it to be the reason why most public hate salespeople.

Bravado chest pounding may work in NJ but overall this is the worst advice ever and guarantees you're lumped into the stereotypical used car salesman role.

This has nothing to do with bravado chest pounding. Its about believing in yourself and your abilities and sharing information.

What advice do you have? I would love to hear your angle.


Can you harness this idea for sales to end customers? Possibly. And yes, I agree that you'd have to tone it down, but it can be done.

It depends on who you're selling to. C level people are a different breed and want results. They don't care about benefits and features etc... They want to know... How can you help my business in as direct a way as possible.


this is the worst advice ever and guarantees you're lumped into the stereotypical used car salesman role.

I had to go back and reread this.. My style is the farthest thing from used car selling as it comes.. Again.. Would love to hear your opening.
This thread smacks of VITO or Selling to C Suite...

Vito has a lot of good ideas and definitely explains decision makers very well but vito doesn't propose anything close to this. I should know.. I studied his books and took his courses. I like his explanations and letter format but don't like delivery ideas.
This has nothing to do with bravado chest pounding. Its about believing in yourself and your abilities and sharing information.

What advice do you have? I would love to hear your angle.


It depends on who you're selling to. C level people are a different breed and want results. They don't care about benefits and features etc... They want to know... How can you help my business in as direct a way as possible.


I had to go back and reread this.. My style is the farthest thing from used car selling as it comes.. Again.. Would love to hear your opening.

No good deed goes unpunished. I thought it was good advice if read the right way. There is no one size fits all approach to these types of things but the basic idea of leading with success has got to be useful hasn't it? Can't quite understand why there is so much negativity - if people aren't confident on calls and don't communicate success, why would people listen to them?