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Tip: What to Say when Making Cold Calls

DHK.... the fact you used the word brag even if in tongue and cheek makes me shudder.

Yes you must be confident in your ability to add value to your client.

That being said I would never ever talk about myself or my accomplishments. This is bravado chest pounding and frankly the clients don't give a crap. Its a huge turn off. All clients care about whether its b2b b2c or INDUSTRY is what you can do for them, are you the one to help them reach their end goal? Not your list of accomplishments. Credibility and authority should be built in your marketing material and the way you conduct yourself, type of questions you ask.

If you tell them you know what you are doing its wasted breath, it only works when the client puts the pieces together and comes to that conclusion about you for themselves.

Straight from your first post:

"we specialize in" or "we're experts in" and "I am the #1 broker for XYZ, the largest firm in the northeast. I tripled the production of over 42 other brokers 2 years in a row."

These examples are the same thing! All b.s. cheap talk and most people will be running for the hills if someone calls them with this tactic.

Its fair that I add some value here since I questioned your tactic.
I could write a book about this but here is a generic answer to your question on my angle...

"When you're prospecting think about what would get YOUR attention. What would make you say... I want to know more!"
I agree 100%

I would generate curiosity, focusing on whats in it for them, with no strings attached dialogue. Followed by well thought out questions, perhaps ones they never even thought of themselves regarding their situation.

Obviously this requires you know your market better then they know themselves.
I would generate curiosity, focusing on whats in it for them, with no strings attached dialogue. Followed by well thought out questions, perhaps ones they never even thought of themselves regarding their situation.

Obviously this requires you know your market better then they know themselves.

What do you think it does by offering to share information rather than try to sell them something??? I'm beginning to wonder if you are even in sales. And if you are, I highly doubt that you have accomplished much of anything, especially with such a negative attitude. Maybe you think thats hard but I've been around guys like you my entire career. You can't make the numbers you want to so you beat up on the guys who can. You label them as arrogant and as having too much "bravado". You criticize them because in some weird way it makes you feel better about your failures.

Maybe thats why you don't like talking about your successes... because you don't have any. And you're never going to if you don't start seeing yourself as successful and appreciating others that are. I love being around and hearing other peoples successes. And I have NEVER met a successful person who doesn't like to know how others became successful. Including business owners. Thats why it works so well. You offering them something for free thats of real value to them instead of trying to sell them something. You're talking on their level.

And let me give you one tip... successes aren't bad. Successes are good. You better change your mindset around them or life will be so much harder. You'll end up going through your entire life never achieving anything and being pissed at those who did. That's a horrible way to live.
No good deed goes unpunished. I thought it was good advice if read the right way. There is no one size fits all approach to these types of things but the basic idea of leading with success has got to be useful hasn't it? Can't quite understand why there is so much negativity - if people aren't confident on calls and don't communicate success, why would people listen to them?

Unfortunately, they're everywhere you go. Personally, I've never understood such negative people or why they would want to live that way. They hate successful people and look down on them instead of trying to learn why they are successful.

I've seen so many of them struggle, fail and bounce from job to job because they would rather criticize and blame then learn something new. Its a shame and a horrible way to live.


This seems to be your stock answer for everything. Surely a self-proclaimed expert such as yourself has more arrows in their quiver?

Ya know whats funny... when I first found this site a few months ago, I received a private message from two people saying that you were the most negative person in this forum and to please don't stop posting and to please ignore moonlight and one other person I can't think of right now.

Does it bother you that people view you that way? I mean if you're not here to contribute in a positive way... then why be here? Just curious.
I intended to take the high road and bow out of this conversation.... but I can see you are terribly misguided. I feel sorry for you, so tonights your lucky night..... I am going to fill you in on a few things.

Maybe the reason you're encountering so much negativity is because you sit there with your megaphone calling out to the sheep with your wisdom and sales prowess. (You actually remind me of myself when I was in my early 20's. You seem passionate and possibly hard working with success. Congrats!)

Meanwhile the sophisticated sales and marketing veterans can see right through you and your caveman ways. From your other posts I see you talking about cold calling... club prey over head... pound chest... drag back to cave...

While this can certainly work to some extent, I would rather hang out in my cave with a nice fire while people flock to me to warm up and hang out.

I don't give a rats ass how you run your biz but to be on the forum giving advice when you clearly shouldn't be is where you are running into problems with some of the vets on here. Worse yet when challenged you resort to name calling and saying how we are all haters and not successful. You obviously have no clue what the people on here are actually doing so to even bring up comments like that are completely infantile and demonstrate yet again your lack of sophistication and maturity.

Good luck to you
I intended to take the high road and bow out of this conversation.... but I can see you are terribly misguided. I feel sorry for you, so tonights your lucky night..... I am going to fill you in on a few things.

Maybe the reason you're encountering so much negativity is because you sit there with your megaphone calling out to the sheep with your wisdom and sales prowess. (You actually remind me of myself when I was in my early 20's. You seem passionate and possibly hard working with success. Congrats!)

Meanwhile the sophisticated sales and marketing veterans can see right through you and your caveman ways. From your other posts I see you talking about cold calling... club prey over head... pound chest... drag back to cave...

While this can certainly work to some extent, I would rather hang out in my cave with a nice fire while people flock to me to warm up and hang out.

I don't give a rats ass how you run your biz but to be on the forum giving advice when you clearly shouldn't be is where you are running into problems with some of the vets on here. Worse yet when challenged you resort to name calling and saying how we are all haters and not successful. You obviously have no clue what the people on here are actually doing so to even bring up comments like that are completely infantile and demonstrate yet again your lack of sophistication and maturity.

Good luck to you

You are so sad. Lol funny but sad.


Obviously this requires you know your market better then they know themselves.

I think this comment says EVERYTHING about your experience and abilities. Hahahahahha ***
Maybe we should have a sales head to head? One day (or week) on the phone to see who makes the most sales . The polite guy sat around the fire or the one bashing people over the head??
I wasted too much time on this already. I got too much to do to argue over something so stupid. This is why people don't post.