Today's Options On-Line Enrollment

So do we have to be face to face or not?

Seems pretty clear to me. Yes, you are going to have to be face to face in either scenario. If you enroll online on the spot, you don't need a paper application. If you enroll online back at your office, you have to get a paper app and bring it with you.

They have been consistent all year saying you can't do an online enrollment without a face to face. This email puts flesh on the bones.
Thats what I thought but it seemed like some did it w/o face to face.
This has been clarified over and over. You DO NOT need a face to face.

The question has been asked and answered and no one wants to believe the correct answer. I even requested this answer again and it's always the same. The client can sign an application and mail it back to you. The client can be enrolled on line and sign a form saying he wants to be enrolled.

Enough of this already!

Back up a minute, Rick! The only way I can see you accomplishing this is with a considerable effort.

Either you are face to face and enroll him online on the spot, or you get a paper application, complete with verification number, and enter it online at a later time. I will concede that if you can get a paper application without a face to face and still be compliant, you are right. I just don't think you can.

Once you have the completed paper application, you can do a delayed enrollment online. That's the part I think requires a face to face.
I contacted the person who I believe is head of marketing for the Western U.S., Todd Morrissay. I emailed the question, "Is face to face required?"

I received a message from Ryan O'Hern (800-538-1053 x8315) who said face to face was NOT required. I returned the call Monday and have not heard back from him.

So, you CAN mail a packet to a prospect who CAN mail it back to you. You CAN set up the verification call on a conference call.

Where's the requirement for face to face?

All right then! I will accept this as a corporate decision and defer.

(This pales in comparison to my effort to get my 12 seminars in December rescheduled! Rules say I am to notifiy my carrier as soon as I know I need to reschedule an event. I did. They say, "too late to make changes". I say, "Well, a cancellation is a change isn't it?" Therefore I am going ahead with the schedule changes imposed upon me by the facility allowing me entrance. This change was beyond my control. The intellectuals that made these rules were unable to forecast things that happen in the course of life!)
I contacted the person who I believe is head of marketing for the Western U.S., Todd Morrissay. I emailed the question, "Is face to face required?"

I received a message from Ryan O'Hern (800-538-1053 x8315) who said face to face was NOT required. I returned the call Monday and have not heard back from him.

So, you CAN mail a packet to a prospect who CAN mail it back to you. You CAN set up the verification call on a conference call.

Where's the requirement for face to face?


Rick, you can buy them books and all they will do is tear the pages. When will they learn that you DO know of what you speak?
I meant to report this earlier, but better late than never! I asked for confirmation of this subject on a national conference call, and YES it is confirmed (grudgingly). They made a great effort to emphasize how important it is to explain all the benefits of the plan, yada, yada, yada.

It is quite clear they really do not want this info made common knowledge.
I meant to report this earlier, but better late than never! I asked for confirmation of this subject on a national conference call, and YES it is confirmed (grudgingly). They made a great effort to emphasize how important it is to explain all the benefits of the plan, yada, yada, yada.

It is quite clear they really do not want this info made common knowledge.
I've been saying the same thing for weeks, maybe months. I did not make it up, THE COMPANY TOLD ME THIS!

So how is it not common knowledge?
