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Trump Administration Revokes Transgender Health Protection

Northeast Agent

1000 Post Club
Trump Administration Revokes Transgender Health Protection

The Department of Health and Human Services said it will enforce sex discrimination protections “according to the plain meaning of the word ‘sex' as male or female and as determined by biology.” This rewrites an Obama-era regulation that sought a broader understanding shaped by a person's internal sense of being male, female, neither or a combination.

LGBTQ groups say explicit protections are needed for people seeking sex-reassignment treatment, and even for transgender people who need care for common illnesses such as diabetes or heart problems.
Um... I'm pretty sure that transgenders can already get treated for diabetes or heart problems, or did I miss something? As for reassignment, "explicit protections" is just a woke way of saying someone else has to pay for it. I'm a fat, balding, 5'5", 57-year old, but I identify as a 6'2", 26-year old with a full head of hair. Are you going to pay for my liposuction, hair plugs, nip & tuck, and shin extensions?
even for transgender people who need care for common illnesses such as diabetes or heart problems.

this is my problem with Libs they twist and lie so much so often so blatantly I get so frustrated when they talk with a straight face

and even for transgender people who need care for common illnesses such as diabetes or heart problems.

LOL seriously

and people buy this crap every day

I can't imagine an Insurer saying because they are trans they're too risky short of exclusions for these cosmetic procedures

Maybe its because trans see psychologists so much, or they self harm at higher rates (allegedly, I don't conduct serious research)
Statistically, transgenders have an almost zero chance of a lasting relationship and they're more safe from assault than everyone else. I only mention it because you're likely to never hear it otherwise.
Statistically, transgenders have an almost zero chance of a lasting relationship and they're more safe from assault than everyone else. I only mention it because you're likely to never hear it otherwise.

they're... not more safe from assault? where did you get that idea haha that's nonsense.
they're... not more safe from assault? where did you get that idea haha that's nonsense.
No, they're in less danger of assault than everyone else despite efforts to raise awareness of the supposed danger they face. My impeccable source remains Mike McConnell, 700 WLW, but Google is also my friend.
More important, do you think transgender candidates are advised about their prospects for long term relationships when they seek counsel? I have no idea but I would bet they are not.

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