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Uninsured Rate Drops To Lowest Level Since The '90s


1000 Post Club
The Affordable Care Act's impact on the uninsured actually is understated by the CDC survey. More than 30 percent of Obamacare's 8 million private health insurance enrollees signed up in March or later. That means their benefits wouldn't have kicked in by the end of the third quarter, so a portion of them wouldn't have had coverage by the time of the CDC poll.

Uninsured Rate Drops To Lowest Level Since The '90s
Let's not bring Obama up on our shoulders yet....let's not forget the millions per year that are reaching Medicare age. They now go from uninsured to insured simply by having another birthday.....
Average deductible in the mid-1990's was $500. Oh but wait.. income is 10 times higher now isn't it? The $6,000 ObamaCare out-of-pocket is chump change, like the $500 80/20 plan, circa 1995. The more things change....
I sold an FE policy this week and she was 63. So I just added that I would be talking to her when she got closer to 65 for a Med Supp.

She said she didn't want to go on Medicare. She says she pays $29/mo, $0/$10 copay $5/$10 generic/name brand scripts and only a $500 hospital deductible.

Can that be right?
I sold an FE policy this week and she was 63. So I just added that I would be talking to her when she got closer to 65 for a Med Supp.

She said she didn't want to go on Medicare. She says she pays $29/mo, $0/$10 copay $5/$10 generic/name brand scripts and only a $500 hospital deductible.

Can that be right?

Yup, it's called APTC with a dash of CSR. What a ACA recipe.
If she is eligible for medicare, she can not keep her ACA plan.
I sold an FE policy this week and she was 63. So I just added that I would be talking to her when she got closer to 65 for a Med Supp.

She said she didn't want to go on Medicare. She says she pays $29/mo, $0/$10 copay $5/$10 generic/name brand scripts and only a $500 hospital deductible.

Can that be right?

Yes it can. The Dr. co pay is very low our lowest here is $30. She will probably opt for an MA.
I tried to read this report, but the numbers and statements don't even make any sense. Its totally incoherent. It reads like someone wanted to make a point and then they ignored the facts to get there, but used the facts to prove they were wrong, but made the point anyway.

Lets see....
Forty-one million U.S. residents, or 13.1 percent, were uninsured during the quarter when benefits started to kick in for people who signed up for coverage into private insurance or Medicaid via the Obamacare exchanges or elsewhere.

Now, if I'm not mistaken, the quarter when benefits started was January (quarter 2 for Uncle Sam).

How does that jive with the point of:

It's also down 3.8 million people and 1.3 percentage points from the end of 2013.

Now, if you remember the leadup to January, there were not 3.8 million people signed up yet.

Not to nitpik, but 13.1 percent being 41M people means a population of 313M. 1.3% being 3.8M people implies a population of 292M. That means to reduce the uninsured, we had to reduce the population by 19M, or 5 times the amount of people they are claiming the change in insured percentage implies gained coverage. By using their numbers, almost 15M lost coverage (and were no longer available to be counted in the census).

After 3 or 4 more similar glaring errors, I quit reading the article.

And they said there weren't death panels ;(
I didn't get as far into the article as you did, DJS! I had a problem with the statement that the survey missed many people because a high number signed up in March or later and didn't get their benefits until the 3rd quarter. I was starting to post, about the stupidity of that statement, then I realized the survey was done in early January. Okay, okay, so maybe the survey missed some of those who rushed for the March 31st deadline and the SEP's since then. But saying they didn't get their benefits until the 3rd quarter? We are just now signing people up for 3rd quarter benefits!

Then the lack of logic in subsequent paragraphs was mind boggling. I hit the "exit" button. I don't mind discussion of contrary points, but I would like it to be factual and logical!