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United American Medicare Supplement

I do not really see any difference with this company or any other company. Every company recruits. This is how they stay in business. If products are good, people will buy.
I do not really see any difference with this company or any other company. Every company recruits. This is how they stay in business. If products are good, people will buy.

True. However, if I had spent the thousands to have 50 people in the room and give them a $10 gift card, I wouldn't start the meeting by telling the audience that Medicare Advantage is going away. The crowd collectively raised the BS Flag and she retracted and said she meant to say that $0 Premiums were going away. The credibility was over at that point and I bet there were a few in the room who, at that point, weighed whether the gift card was worth another 2.5 hours. I decided it wasn't worth it.
True. However, if I had spent the thousands to have 50 people in the room and give them a $10 gift card, I wouldn't start the meeting by telling the audience that Medicare Advantage is going away. The crowd collectively raised the BS Flag and she retracted and said she meant to say that $0 Premiums were going away. The credibility was over at that point and I bet there were a few in the room who, at that point, weighed whether the gift card was worth another 2.5 hours. I decided it wasn't worth it.

Well, you are correct, however our crowd did not grumble as loudly as yours did, apparently. {I wonder if we are in different cities? I think we are} Our crowd was not really awake and lively. But I do think the MA plans are going to run into trouble with funding in the future, since it has been stated they are going to rob from peter to pay paul in DC in regards to obamacare... but having said all that, I doubt they totally go away. What our presenter was saying was that in certain towns and locations they don't have the doctors and hospitals and such, and thus they are going away in that certain area. This may be much the same as zero premium plans going away. So you are correct.
Isn't the majority of UA's med supp business now written by their carrier agents?

I used to place business with UA years ago until the premium rates went to the moon. Like someone else said, they make Bankers look good.

Whenever I talk to someone and they say they have UA or Bankers, I know I have a sale.
UA Med Supp:

The first (and only) time I ran into a UA client was several years ago. The lady was about 80 and, at the time, she had UA Med Supp and LTC. I sat through the UA webinar today and LTC wasn't listed in their assortment of add-on products, so they may have dropped that line. My point about this lady is she wouldn't even consider looking at another med supp, that I believe would have saved her 800-1000 a year! She even made a statement to the effect that she would never give up her United American! I'd never run into that before.

But it did make me wonder about their sales approach. So after years of receiving mail, e-mails and phone calls, I attended their webinar this morning. I understand their approach. I get it. Most of my clients are a retired niche market that are upper middle to high income. The High Deduct F plan might make sense to quite a few of them, especially a few that don't carry a thing besides orig. Medicare, because they are "self-insured". And especially if we could use some of that extra premium for LTC, annuity, life, etc.

However, before I sent in the online contracting, I thought I'd come here to the forum for a little more checking AND because the contract did not include a comp schedule. (I'm waiting for a return call to address that issue.) Somewhere on the forum (not this thread), someone said that if anyone cancels within 5 years you would owe all commissions back. (If that is true, it is definitely a no-go) I haven't verified that, so I don't know, but I was able to save the contract as a file and will look it over closely before and if I continue the process.

All that said, the webinar did provide some pretty good insight into how they present the Hi-Ded Plan F, if you want to consider it. Any comments or further insight, especially from agents with UA experience would be appreciated.
All that said, the webinar did provide some pretty good insight into how they present the Hi-Ded Plan F, if you want to consider it. Any comments or further insight, especially from agents with UA experience would be appreciated.

Their hi-deductible Plan F is their ONLY product worth selling. All of the add-on products you will find with other companies with much better rates and coverage.
No real benefit to contract with UA.
Their hi-deductible Plan F is their ONLY product worth selling. All of the add-on products you will find with other companies with much better rates and coverage.
No real benefit to contract with UA.

Correct, I was absolutely shocked when I saw the rates for the non HD F plans.
Their hi-deductible Plan F is their ONLY product worth selling. All of the add-on products you will find with other companies with much better rates and coverage.
No real benefit to contract with UA.

If the powers at be who want to keep Medicare solvent were smarter they would consider mandated that the carriers do not pay Med sup commissions based on premium and maybe even considering paying a bump to sell hi F and any other non first dollar coverage plan.