Using the internet to Sell......


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
We all use the internet to QUOTE and generate quotes.... many use a vendor that will do it for you like QuoteIt or Norvax.....

My question is this:

Who is using the internet and web EXCLUSIVELY to write individual coverage... you call them up, use a web based tool like Go-to-Meeting or Web-Ex and explain over the phone.... NO FACE TO FACE meetings....... they complete the app online and you never see them.

Is this working?
Has this worked?
What are the problems? I know the face2face gang will talk about relationships, etc... but I'm more interested in the transactional efficiency of this approach
Persistency issues different than face2face?
Closing ratio's different?
Gas bill lower?
More efficient use of your time?

Look forward to hearing your comments.
I can't recall the last time I met a client face to face. Probably a small group client last year.

Everything, including the presentation, is done by phone & internet using Quotit.

Stick rate is good, at least as good as F2F. Lower acquisition costs. It is a business model that works for me and provides an 8:1 ROI.
I use Zoho desktop share, take 'em to my site, do side-by-side plan comparisons and that's it. I still do see some of my clients, but when asked 90% want to do it online. You want an insurance agent in your house?
I am looking to do the same...(internet selling) problem is, is that I am not sure of everything I need to do toget started...can anyone guide me or give step by step advice on this??? I am a L/H/Annuities agent.
You'll need a website with a quote engine. Web conferencing works very well and there are many sites:

webex - paid
iboomerang - paid
gotomeeting - paid
vyew - free
zoho - free

Quote engines are Norvax, Quotit, and Insurit.

If you're on the bargain plan, you can get a website up from free to $12 and embed the carrier quote links for free.
Holy cow! Hold on there nitro!

Shesh - Let's make it easy! Read through his entire post before thinking about constructing a response.

1) Get with a good broker! Why? Some of them will provide you with a free quote engine, free E&O and even your very own website. A few brokers will even complete your pre-application for you 'which will give you more time to sell and chase down pre-applications.' Heck - if you want a website for credibility, use the free Google Apps package: Google Apps

There are a lot of threads that talk about good brokers (see below).

2) Trust me - you do not need remote software (like a gotomeeting or livemeeting) to sell to your clients (let's all say OVERKILL). What a waste of time! A lot of your potential prospects are confused as to how to open a .PDF file! I could only imagine the fun agents have initiating a remote meeting. Oh and let's remind ourselves with the liability behind remote software. A LOT (if not most) of these tools install java, activex or a certain type of browser plug-in (software) and if the remote software install crashes your prospect's computer ... guess who is liable! Try asking them to wait through 45+ days of underwriting after you crash their computer! LOL - Oh and if it has not happened to you guys, as of yet, just wait ... it will!

3) Your initial questions, to me, are statements! All of the reasons why selling online is a PLUS vs. face to face. If you know what you are doing, you can build just as great of a relationship over the phone as face to face.

Lead source - if a prospect is being captured from an online website (what type of demographic do you think they are) ... if they took the time to put in their personal information vs. walking across the street to a state farm agency, they have no problem taking an application over the phone. That is if you do not come across as being a scum-bag! Your tone of voice is HUGE! There are a LOT of agents with horrible 'over the phone' voices and they wonder why people rush off the phone or do not call them back! HA - it is the voice they hear in their nightmares!

Bottom line - find a broker that will provide you with HUGE commissions, AMAZING service (if you have bad service how do you expect to get that policy issued in the first place) and a broker that provides perks (free quoter, help running illustrations, free software / like Winflex, E&O and more).

There are a few new threads in this forum that evaluating Brokers/FMO/IMO's that seems to do this. Take a look at a few yourself:

1) Anyone hear of The Elite Producer Program? - Insurance Agent Forum

2) What IMO's / GA / Marketing companies do you sell through? - Insurance Agent Forum

Good luck.
I've discussed this before, but you need to have "it" to really be successful in this business. If you don't what "it" is then you probably don't have it.

You can load yourself up with Quotit, Norvax, live meetings and 100 leads and not close a deal. I've seen it a ton of times.

You really nailed it when you talked about voice over the phone. You either engage people or you don't. I talk to people on the phone all day - can't make out half of what they're saying because they're almost whispering.

Others are monotone - booooooring. If you're monotone on the phone the only thing your prospects are waiting for is for you to stop talking so they can tell you their aunt just died on the couch and they have to go.

If you're not very comfortable on the phone you either:

1) Get comfortable
2) Meet with your client
3) File your resume on Monster

This all being said, if you have "it" then tools can help. You can chop down a tree with a hatchet, but a chain saw works better. But I know a lot of people I wouldn't want holding a chain saw.
Yeah but no one truly thinks their UGLY either so I am sure there are a LOT of folks out there thinking they have the "IT" factor when they really do not.

It is interesting to ask an ugly person the definition of ugly (because I am sure it differs to the model's definition of ugly). Therefore, it is hard for someone to truly know if they have the "IT" factor or not! People are a gluten for punishment and failure is just not persuasive enough.

Boy - I say that we start a new thread called the IT factor and get agents to weigh in ... I am sure some agents will be honest to say that they have the IT factor for P&C but did not have the IT factor for Life or Annuity sales. It would be interesting to hear how THEY came to an HONEST conclusion.
Part of "it" is being passionate about what you do and looking forward to your day. Another part of "it" is striving to be an expert in your field and constantly researching and learning.

If you find yourself in a "whatever" mood when it comes to this career then again, is calling your name.

Log your day. Are you at least trying? Take out a pad and write down your activities from 8am to 6pm. Were you working all day? If not, you're either not into this or you're lazy. In either case you can watch the hands go around your watch until you blow out. Or you can be a piker and let your spouse earn all the money while you screw off all day.