Vertafore for a Management System

I have been using the Vertafore PL Rater for 4 years through SIAA, no choice in it, its really expensive even with the so called group discount.

The sales reps try to get you to add on DMV reports and replacement cost estimators instead of using the carriers reports.

They painted this picture of gloom if I did not buy a management system. I use an excel spreadsheet and a good old fashion Steelcase file cabinet system, one time cost and done with it. So I decline the sales calls.

I have a very expensive Panasonic Toughbook spent hours on the phone with tech support multiple times and can't even get it installed on it. Now two of my carriers are not returning rates spent over an hour with tech support, they told me to then call SIAA, then they said call the carriers, then they told me they do not know and could do nothing further. Then last month company questions would not load, another 5 calls to tech, four work stations and none work but they thought I had bad internet or all four computers went down at one time?

When it does work I really like it though, and it will be fine for like a year or so then it acts up.

I'm not sure if they offered it to you but they have a cloud based solution you can upgrade to that resolves a lot of local errors. If you pay over $250/ month you should negotiate a lower price. Drop down to 1 user and have everyone use the same log in then tell them another agency you knows only pays $149 / month. These guys are scum bags and charge rates according to whatever commission they think they can make.

BTW I found that SIAA discounts are not as good as old fashioned arm twisting for any of their partner offers.
I use EZ lynx rater and management system, I gotta say the 3.5 years I have been with them they always upgrade the system, uptime is easily 99%. I do get discounts through SIAA so not sure what the on the street rate is but very reasonable I definitely would recommend