Veteran USHEALTH agent, here to address concerns

I'd love to speak with you!!!!!
For real, no joke. Let's talk on the phone. Realness!!!!

I seriously enjoy when I come across another agent that thinks they know what I do.

When it comes to my company, I don't drink the KOOLAID, I shoot it up right into my jugular!

On a daily basis!!!

Where is your response to post from STI???
If you have our plan brochure flip to page 17. PremierMed upgrade. $4k deductible 100# coinsurance. For cancer, this is the best plan in the country
Bro this is page might sell a $4 deductible with 100% coinsurance but you still have caps on is a total ripoff plan......

and if you are selling PremierMed....that is a short term medical get cancer no renewal for you.......upload_2018-9-22_12-24-39.png
Notice how USH is pulling out of states with their ACA products that were always priced 40% higher than other ACA plans, so nobody ever bought it.
Problem is the USH plan without STM is more expensive than normal STM plans. But he wont state that either
the problem is these goofballs are selling 2 policy's to try and make a whole policy....which still falls short...and the price for these two plans are higher than ACA plans......
@theguy last post at 1:12pm; last login at 2:55PM.

I guess your posts scared him off.

What a shame. I was expecting more than bravado from theguy.

All hat. No cattle.