Vetting Agent Referrals


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Sometimes I get health or Medicare leads from other states. Most of the time I know an agent in that area but sometimes I have to rely on the forum to provide a name.

I try to check out the agent as much as possible before passing their contact information along. I also tell the prospect to keep in touch and feel free to bounce any recommendations off me before buying.

As far as I know, most of the "stab in the dark" referrals work out. I rarely hear back from the agent that took the referral which I find odd.

Recently a local agent used the forum to refer a client that was moving to another state. I know this local agent very well and we have similar philosophies on product recommendations.

He called me after passing along the name, wanting information on an Assurant product. Neither of us write with Assurant except an occasional STM but he wanted to know if I had info on a Core Med plan.

Seems this agent in another state recommended Core Med copay with 50/50 coinsurance + accident rider and CI rider.

The premium was around $180/mo.

For another $20 or so the individual could have bought a real major med from Blue with full Rx coverage and less OOP.

I am sure the agent was going to make more off the Assurant plan but runs the risk of having a very unhappy client if his health changes.

Having spent enough time on this forum I know there are a lot of agents that are still learning the business but there are also a handful that are true experts in their market.

Sadly, there are some agents with a lot of time in the industry that don't know much more than the day they started.

Those are the ones I avoid at all costs.

Do you do anything to vet an agent before referring? How do you handle these things?
Hi Bob -

I ran into the same unfortunate incident a couple of times. If the referral is simply a prospect, I find that I don't even do a referral anymore. But if the referral is connected to my current client base I need to take care of them.

Now I look at the other agent's website just to see how he presents himself and his products. It seems to give me insight into the agent's mindset about what kinds of products to feature. Not foolproof, but helpful.
It's more difficult to refer clients than I would have ever realized. Generally, my vetting would be the agent's attitude on the phone with me. If they seem to not really care, then they will usually be that way with the client.

As for someone doing what you said with the Assurant Product, that's just plain ridiculous. Reminds me of a couple that I bumped into recently that had two separate cancer plans and two accident plans. He would have made very little extra on straight commission, but he was participating in per app bonus with this carrier.

I've limited my client referrals on this board to just a couple of agents. One that I tried out that is always posting and pretending to be great, waited three days to contact the client, after he told me that he would do it that day. The client was disappointed and let me know about it. So many jerks, so little time.
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One that I tried out that is always posting and pretending to be great, waited three days to contact the client, after he told me that he would do it that day.

I contacted him the same day. Can't help that it took several months of back and forth before he finally bought from someone else without ever talking to me.

And I don't pretend. I am great.
As far as I know, most of the "stab in the dark" referrals work out. I rarely hear back from the agent that took the referral which I find odd.
An agent that didn't let me know the results of the referral, good or bad, would not get another one


Sadly, there are some agents with a lot of time in the industry that don't know much more than the day they started.

Those are the ones I avoid at all costs.

Yeah, I have known a few that like to say they have 20 years experience when what they actually have is 1 year experience, repeated 20 times. :no:
I contacted him the same day. Can't help that it took several months of back and forth before he finally bought from someone else without ever talking to me.

And I don't pretend. I am great.

Are you freaking kidding me? You thought that I was talking about you? No, you can't possibly believe that, you know I'm not that silly and shallow, you're just taking an opportunity to gay bash me for sending you a lead that didn't work out. That's impolite, but I'll send you another one to make up for it, soon as I run across an asshole that lives in Georgia and needs something.
No gay bashing Bill. I thought you were straight.

But now that you have outed yourself . . .