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Vimo Attacks From The Cell Flank!!

I'm certainly hoping the same people going ape **** over a single bad live transfer lead

If it were just an issue of one bad lead than obviously I wouldnt have a gripe. However, it's the practice of not crediting ONE SH***Y lead and then billing me for it that creates a problem.

My goal here isnt to complain, but rather to share my headaches in hopes that someone else wont have to run into the same BS. VIMO continues to practice shady tactics to get leads (ie text messages), refuses to offer credits, doesnt preform quality screening, and still bills you for this cr*p?

This forum is an avenue to which we all can help eachother..the problem is that some of us being paid by these shady companies to act as though thier service is the best thing since sliced bread is starting to degrade the quality of this forum. I am still here to share my failures and successes in hopes of helping the next guy....WITHOUT CHARGING SOME FEE!!! Its insulting. And we certainly dont need it here.

AS for VIMO....im out. Thats not saying that its bad for everyone. Just that my vote is it isnt a good service. Some may differ and some may agree. But we have to have both sides of the story displayed so we can make an educated decision (without bias).
If it were just an issue of one bad lead than obviously I wouldnt have a gripe. However, it's the practice of not crediting ONE SH***Y lead and then billing me for it that creates a problem.

My goal here isnt to complain, but rather to share my headaches in hopes that someone else wont have to run into the same BS. VIMO continues to practice shady tactics to get leads (ie text messages), refuses to offer credits, doesnt preform quality screening, and still bills you for this cr*p?

This forum is an avenue to which we all can help eachother..the problem is that some of us being paid by these shady companies to act as though thier service is the best thing since sliced bread is starting to degrade the quality of this forum. I am still here to share my failures and successes in hopes of helping the next guy....WITHOUT CHARGING SOME FEE!!! Its insulting. And we certainly dont need it here.


what he said!!!
If it were just an issue of one bad lead than obviously I wouldnt have a gripe. However, it's the practice of not crediting ONE SH***Y lead and then billing me for it that creates a problem.

My goal here isnt to complain, but rather to share my headaches in hopes that someone else wont have to run into the same BS. VIMO continues to practice shady tactics to get leads (ie text messages), refuses to offer credits, doesnt preform quality screening, and still bills you for this cr*p?

This forum is an avenue to which we all can help eachother..the problem is that some of us being paid by these shady companies to act as though thier service is the best thing since sliced bread is starting to degrade the quality of this forum. I am still here to share my failures and successes in hopes of helping the next guy....WITHOUT CHARGING SOME FEE!!! Its insulting. And we certainly dont need it here.

AS for VIMO....im out. Thats not saying that its bad for everyone. Just that my vote is it isnt a good service. Some may differ and some may agree. But we have to have both sides of the story displayed so we can make an educated decision (without bias).

There's a difference between making a statement and asking a question. Your statement is that I got paid by Vimo to post about their transfers. I would think that would have been a question instead.

I tried the transfers and had good results - I emailed Vimo about them and they in turn asked if they could use my comments for their newsletter - I return I got a whopping $25 credit. Wow.

I receive zero compensation for posting about them - nothing, nodda, zilch. I saw them as something most agent would want to know about.
"also, back last year during th war in lebanon and isreal my wife was traped in te war zone on vaciation."

Just curious...exactly where was she?

Also....I thought Scott (Vimo VP) was fairly cordial with you.

Re dumping of leads....I never get dumped leads because I listened to what they said. I shut off my account at night. Reopen in the morning.
Re dumping of leads....I never get dumped leads because I listened to what they said. I shut off my account at night. Reopen in the morning.

What I meant by "dumping" is that I turn on my leads at 0900 on a Saturday and by 0910 I have received all of my 5 leads (my daily max)
All of them time stamped 0500. This is why I bitched.

1. The leads are supposed to be "real time"
2. Who the hell looks for health insurance at 0500.
3. Obviously these leads were sent in Friday, were not sold and remained in a queue and are sent to the first *** to log in on the following day. (Me)
4. I have never been able to get any to answer the telephone and am left with my Saturday shot, because I have already had my daily max of leads.

Worse of all, it really gives me a bad attitude for the whole weekend. It's a bigger letdown than a concrete parachute.
This is the ONLY protest that's effective. All the rest in nothing but hot air.

no, i disagree....lead co will replace the agent that left with another dancing chickek... the chickens never run out.... btw, we are the chickens.... public image destruction, thats what works, remember how many nase policies were being sold 15-18 years ago? because of public preasure and attacks on their reputation we see lees and less of them.

political candidates dont care about loosing one vote... they care about negative attacks because they affect more than one voter, they attack thousands of voters at one time and force the candidate to address the attack.

one voice does nothing, thousands of voices can cripple the knees of anyone
no, i disagree....lead co will replace the agent that left with another dancing chickek... the chickens never run out.... btw, we are the chickens.... public image destruction, thats what works, remember how many nase policies were being sold 15-18 years ago? because of public preasure and attacks on their reputation we see lees and less of them.

political candidates dont care about loosing one vote... they care about negative attacks because they affect more than one voter, they attack thousands of voters at one time and force the candidate to address the attack.

one voice does nothing, thousands of voices can cripple the knees of anyone

The problem with these rants is that people place you in the lunatic fringe. Nobody will take you seriously (if at all).

Public inage destruction?
Cripple the knees?

Good god man, get a grip.

If enough people are dissatisfied, and don't spend their money with them, it will cripple a lot more than their knees.
The problem with these rants is that people place you in the lunatic fringe. Nobody will take you seriously (if at all).


i could care less what people think about me,i'm used to being called nutty... mainly by those that are ignorant of the future. i have enough self respect and am sure enough of my own skin that what anyone says about me never bothers me. thats life. when you have been in politics your skin gets extreamly thick, and when you play poker and take enough bad beat suck-outs from donkeys nothing bothers you anymore.

some people being called a lunatic today are called genius and ahead of their time thinkers tomorrow..... some people see where their at and accecpt it as the way it is.... i look at somethig and see where its going and what will happen in the future