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Warning Notices Generated for Citizenship/Immigration Data Matching Issues (Individual Level) by Sta

Administration warns some could lose health-care coverage on federal exchange - The Washington Post

Federal health officials said Tuesday that they will take separate action soon to resolve an even larger group of cases with discrepancies: those in which the income people listed on their insurance applications is out of sync with their federal tax records. In cases of unresolved income inconsistencies, the government could reduce — or eliminate — people’s federal insurance subsidies but could not end their coverage.


So, follow me, for my clients whose info is not received for some reason, will have their account drafted the additional aptc amount, which can be $600+ a month, on a low income person.

Fun fun.......NSF is our new acronym


And then to top it off, since they're not receiving APTC, they no longer have 90 grace, and policy lapses after 30 if NSF, and don't get bill in time.

Canceled, no SEP......client screwed....agent too

I (heart) exchange plans


And it's now official:

I wonder if the government is auditing those who could have mistakenly over estimated their income by +10%. After all, that's a "discrepancy" too.
Who needs documents? Move to FL and vote for Christ!

Crist To Feds: Don't Kick The Undocumented Off Obamacare Coverage | The Daily Caller

Charlie Crist, the Democratic nominee in Florida’s governor race in November, says the Obama administration shouldn’t require proof of immigration status for Obamacare sign-ups.

“We need to make this law work for the people depending on it, and the President should suspend this requirement so that no American citizen loses their health insurance due to a bureaucratic requirement,” Crist spokesman Brendan Gilfillan told Politico Thursday.