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We are not order takers


5000 Post Club
This is a great piece from Mark Rosenthal that I thought should be on this thread. All new agents and wannabes should read this and take it to heart.


I’m so tired of talking to new lazy want to be insurance agents.*

Let me get this straight. You don’t have a lot of money, but you need to make a lot of money in a hurry. You don’t want to prospect at all. You would love free leads and they better be really good. Matter of fact, they need to have the checkbook out and waiting when you get there. Forget that, you want to just be able to give them a phone number or website where you don’t even have to go out and see them. Now that you are thinking about it, you want a website that when they type in life insurance, you website will be on top and the website does everything for you. It will talk the prospecting into buying the insurance and then will allow them to buy the policy from the website.

My 1st thought is that if it was this easy, the insurance companies would no longer need insurance agents. Just look at Progressive. Agents were begging them for a website they could just send people to and buy direct. The problem was that the company then figures out that they didn’t need the agent. Clients save on avg 20% not to use an agent and just go direct with the company.*

We are not just order takers either. There is a lot more to this business. It is about answering questions and teaching the clients about your products and how it will solve their problems. It is about selling yourself. You are your best product. I still say selling face to face is the best way to do it. A good old hand shake and a smile.*

Please don’t make it where insurance companies no longer need agents. If all it takes is the insurance making a website where the client can sell themselves, and they are able to do it, they will stop need insurance agents.*

This career is a not a job. It is not a get rich quick type business. It is not a type of career where you show up with little to no money, want to do it part time and refuse to read anything.*

For those that don’t know. For many years, agent could not buy leads. They all had to prospect and get referrals. Most were debit route agents that went door to door and cold called.*

This is just my two cents for the day.
Mark Rosenthal
IMO/Ins Agent/Agent Trainer
877-968-5757 or 770-968-5757
[email protected]
Welcome Insurance Agents-Home Page
This is a great piece from Mark Rosenthal that I thought should be on this thread. All new agents and wannabes should read this and take it to heart.

Um, yep! Thanks much XRAC, I just got called on the carpet for my complacency. . .:err:

Back on target, grind on brothers and sisters, grind on!
It is very true what he is saying. I lost my way for a few days but had a breakthrough today.

Clients typically care about the bottom line of the policy. Who doesn't. It is easy to get caught up in focusing on that as well.

Today it felt good to explain to some future clients that they are grossly under insured in a polite manner. They have the money to pay a little extra for the umbrella and 250/500/100 limits. They were very happy that I was able to point it out and protect what they worked hard for their whole life. At that point its no longer about price but protecting what matters to them.