What is Expected of Producers?

Those numbers for 4 months into the job and getting little to no warm leads is pretty acceptable in my book. When I started, I got NOTHING in terms of transfers or even remotely warm leads and I was putting up an average of $18K in sales (equivalent to 275-300 Allstate points and/or 35-40 items). I had plenty of experience from the Life side before P&C, so I hit the ground running. I'd say you're on the right path and you just need to stick with it and keep grinding. I don't know how much you're making in base, but a lead service can get expense. You can blow through $1,000 in leads QUICK.

I would keep trying to cross-sell and hit the pavement. Pass out business cards, talk to everyone, just be knowledgeable and strike up conversation. You don't have to sales pitch every single person, but make them aware of what you do and who you work for. I got lucky that one cold-call turned into a sale, which turned into 9 Landlord policies, which turned into his whole family coming with me. 12 years later and countless kids, life policies and homes later...he's still with me. Take whatever you can get now but work on those long-term relationships. If you need any help, just shoot me a PM.