What's All This ?

Well Paul,...they certainly call the shots in many areas of life...but what is the SOLUTION?

Are we to throw up the flag and surrender?

What's the next move?

Ron Paul 2012 was the solution.
tell them to get out of the damn way. The american dream was not built by the government.
No doubt, I wholeheartedly agree.

Problem is, the majority of folks don't. With only half paying any federal income tax, what do they care if taxes go up? Not their money. Fact is the majority of Americans are nitwit "victims" (some call it the "Oprah-ization" of America) who have not a single shred of personal responsibility. They feel that the government should "do something for them". Don't forget:

"People get the kind of government they deserve."
- Winston Churchill
With only half paying any federal income tax, what do they care if taxes go up? Not their money.

Yes, and those that are paying a lot in Federal Income Tax, but since it's "coming out of their checks" they don't really grasp what is being done to them.

If they sat down every year and wrote a check to the US Treasury for $25K+, I bet there would be a monumental shift in attitude.
Yes, and those that are paying a lot in Federal Income Tax, but since it's "coming out of their checks" they don't really grasp what is being done to them.

If they sat down every year and wrote a check to the US Treasury for $25K+, I bet there would be a monumental shift in attitude.

If it was even $100 I imagine there would be a noteworthy impact.
Romney needs to start FORCEFULLY stating in every speech that (thanks to Obama) people who don't have "qualified" health insurance will have to write out a check to the IRS every year. And EVERYONE will have to fill out forms EVERY YEAR to prove that they do have qualified health insurance. With the IRS, you're Guilty until you prove yourself Compliant!

People will hate doing all this, but they need to be warned about it NOW...before the November election.
