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Which Script Do You Like Best?

Josh, I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but isn't a telemarketer calling on businesses for life insurance a bad idea? It seems owners would get pissed that you didn't value their time as much as yours.

I would have thought that, but I personally know several folks that have done it with success. I'd think health or retirement products would be a more natural fit.
Two is definitely better, but yeah, you're a long way off from anything I've seen work.

Your first script is more of a "full-service" type offering, the second is more specific. I've never worked group life insurance, but is it really a commodity type product they shop?

"Hi, I'm calling you today because... is that something you think wouldhelp your business?"

So what's your because? I'm biased in believing telemarketing works because I did it for years and I now sell telemarketing lists, but the because has always been what hinged on if a campaign had a chance at working or not. Real examples:

"I'm calling you today because I'm helping seniors save hundreds of dollars on their Medicare and get the right plans for them. Would you like to find out how much I can help you save?"

"I'm calling you today because we're helping small businesses save thousands of dollars on their health insurance and get great coverage. Would you like to find out how we can help you?" or "Do you think that's something that could help your business?"

You'll notice it's not introducing yourself or asking for anyone by name, it's just pitching whoever answered the phone.

So what's your because?

The scripts that Josh recommended are top notch!!
Josh, I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but isn't a telemarketer calling on businesses for life insurance a bad idea? It seems owners would get pissed that you didn't value their time as much as yours.

And thats why it actually works...no one does it. Dont say life insurance though, give it more snaz...key person...ask them if they worry about losing their general manager to the business down the road over 2-3 dollars an hour and if they have "golden handcuffs" around that employee...i dont even know what that keans so the business owner surely will have questions.

I got a construction company owner interested like that, she was answering the phone becuase the manager quit.

Also, instead of disability insurance, try finding if they worry about how to ieep the lights on if they got too sick to work. Mention business overhead expense coverage, and how you just want to introduce the idea to see if its a good fit
Try picking up a few sales and marketing books to read. Judging by what you wrote its desperately needed.

M&M hit it right on the head. You must find out exactly what SPECIFIC pain your prospect has right now... and offer help to make that specific pain and ONLY that specific pain go away. They must know whats in it for them in the first few seconds or its over.

If you talk about anything other then the pain that is running through their mind at the time you call them they won't give a rats ass.
(the nice ones will humor you and let you speak, maybe ask you to call back or send info. But this is just a polite brush off.)

This is why you need to know your market better than they know themselves. Its your job to bring the solution into focus and solve what they can't quite put into words yet.
Over the past 6 weeks we've tried a number of scripts calling very small businesses, a few much like Josh posted. The best results have come a very simple script we starting using yesterday that goes like this...

"Hello, my name is ____ from ______, are you happy with your insurance?"

If they say, "No", then we work on getting an appointment or x date using talking points about how they can feel great knowing they have the right coverage to protect their business at the best possible cost. Everyone that has said "No" we have an appointment or x date.

If they say, "Yes", then we ask, "How would like to feel Great?" We usually get a few laughs with this line.

After a day and half of calling (a total of about 6 hours on the phone), we've spoken to 64 business owners, have 3 appointments and 5 x dates.

The list we're using isn't that good. About 20% of the numbers are disconnected or have changed to non-business listings. I knew this when we started, but I wanted to develop and refine the scripts and get my assistant comfortable on the phone. Starting tomorrow she'll be calling from one of the local business organizations business guide. I'm pretty sure they wanted me to use it to call them since they sent me 2 copies in the mail.
M&M hit it right on the head. You must find out exactly what SPECIFIC pain your prospect has right now... and offer help to make that specific pain and ONLY that specific pain go away. They must know whats in it for them in the first few seconds or its over.

Although new to insurance, I have ALWAYS found this to be a successful approach in my past sales jobs. Heck, in just communicating with people! When you make it about them, you generally get less resistance. YMMV
Two is definitely better, but yeah, you're a long way off from anything I've seen work.

Your first script is more of a "full-service" type offering, the second is more specific. I've never worked group life insurance, but is it really a commodity type product they shop?

"Hi, I'm calling you today because... is that something you think wouldhelp your business?"

So what's your because? I'm biased in believing telemarketing works because I did it for years and I now sell telemarketing lists, but the because has always been what hinged on if a campaign had a chance at working or not. Real examples:

"I'm calling you today because I'm helping seniors save hundreds of dollars on their Medicare and get the right plans for them. Would you like to find out how much I can help you save?"

"I'm calling you today because we're helping small businesses save thousands of dollars on their health insurance and get great coverage. Would you like to find out how we can help you?" or "Do you think that's something that could help your business?"

You'll notice it's not introducing yourself or asking for anyone by name, it's just pitching whoever answered the phone.

So what's your because?

I remember reading your cold calling tips about using their name and asking how they are. I just wanted to clarify. So would you say not to use their first name or ask how they are doing?
I remember reading your cold calling tips about using their name and asking how they are. I just wanted to clarify. So would you say not to use their first name or ask how they are doing?

I would ask how they're doing, but not use their name.
Which is best? Neither. They're both awful. They focus on you (we, we, we, we, our, our, our), not the prospect or their problems. Might be hard to swallow, but they don't care about you.

No, it's NOT a numbers game. It's an effectiveness game. It's like a golf swing. Doing it badly more times isn't going to make the result better...

I agree. You should always give, give, then take. People buy from people they know, like, and trust. You need to measure twice, cut once. Write a script that that is effective and has a higher chance of conversion. You may get 100 appts with one script but if your only signing 1/100 its pointless and your script needs work.