Which Senior Care Insurance Company Is Best?


100+ Post Club
For a new agent, what senior care insurance care company is best to work for? Bankers, Pennlife ... etc. I have no idea which direction to head. I'm not interested in going independent right now nor am I able to go with big companies like Newyork LIfe and Farmers etc ... because of my credit.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Jody Haworth :)
Well, that depends on what they are offering you. I know Bankers in this part of the country is a turn and burn operation.

I am not sure about Penn life.

I can tell you what I know about the KC market and maybe it is the same by you:

The two biggest carriers, Humana and Coventry, offer their captive agents salaries, reduced commissions (in exchange for the salary), benefits, leads, training, etc.

The others with a captive or somewhat captive sales force offer nothing that you cannot get as an independent. They offer some leads, but most are self generated by a list that you are calling. No salary. Reduced commissions. Under their control for time since you are a W2 employee.

I would look for an opportunity like Humana or Coventry (or who ever is in your area that is like them) rather then a "might as well be independent" position.
Penn life in our area is run by ex Bankers agents and is also a turn and burn, hire as many as you can and see who survives, pressure tactic drive organization. No unlike many of those organizations like them, like Bankers, Aflac, ect...

I have seen Bankers at work in many of the households I visit and my personal opinion is negative. The organizations that sell only one or a family of products is not interested in doing what is best for the Senior, it is only to close a sale and justify the products and the means through word and mind games. An independent on the other hand, if they are client oriented, search out the best products and that is all they recommend. Put up ANY product Bankers or Penn Life sells against the best of the competition and they do not come close in price or product, in my area and my experience. Me and a whole bunch of other agents here could be wrong...
Humana has captive agents that work from home and get a salary. They show at the office everday at 8am to get leads and whatever.

They send you to Louisville Ky for training, all paid.
Humana has captive agents that work from home and get a salary. They show at the office everday at 8am to get leads and whatever.

They send you to Louisville Ky for training, all paid.

That sounds pretty good. I'm in KY and looking to get into the insurance business, but not overly impressed about the way most companies seem to operate.

Do you know what the salary is? Have you ever worked there? Is there a salary during training too? Thanks.
I know several of the Humana captive agents and they do not have four year degrees. I was a Humana MECA agent, which is a captive independent and I was recruited and never asked about my edukation.
I think Physician's Mutual is going to vary depending on where you are and what the med supp rates are. They have sort of a captive arrangement, but you are a 1099. They also offer LTC, annuities, life, etc. They are also pushing their Hospital Medical Surgical plan, a non med or mini med policy that in some areas at least isn't that much cheaper than some major meds.
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I used to work for Humana too selling MA's and PDP's. They may prefer a degree, but I never heard of any actual requirement and I'm pretty sure some of my coworkers didn't have one.
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