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Winning MAPD Business ?

You know what I don't think I run into this that much, After thinking back I don't think I had to explain how I get paid to an MA person more than a medsupp person which is rare, All I have ever said in that regard is I am paid by the ins company you choose based on your enrollment through me.

Of course, I do beforehand go over the difference between MA and Med Supp in which I explain the MA is where the Insurance company is paid by SS in order to Pay the medical expense instead of Medicare paying, Not just the $134 but you have paid into Medicare all your life. Most reasonable people understand this, If they didn't not sure I would want to sign them anyway

I do the same thing. I tell them that ma companies aren’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They are making $ by getting paid by per person per month. I never really get asked how I get paid from a free plan.

I’ve had people ask me if I charge for seeing them though. I only charge $590
People buy from those they like.

Also perceived value.

It helps if the seller can tell their story in a way to make it easy to understand. This newsletter piece on the 7 ideas is a gold mine.

Here is one nugget to take away.

“People Don’t Buy What You Say, They Buy How You Say It.” Most of the people in our business are analytical. I am an analytical person. I read, study and practice an enormous amount of time. I know many people in our industry who are smarter than I am on their worst day yet, I have more success than they do. Why? Because they are unable to convey ideas in a simple way that allows our prospects and clients to understand