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Your Family Bank

It sounds like the problem is you likely thought it was the holy grail and just by signing up you would automatically boost your sales/income through the roof with little effort, vs taking it for what it is. I think that happens alot in this business. The real driver of success is the pipeline, not the tools you use with those folks.

That's exactly it, the way it is presented is that you are going to help loads and loads of people and businesses solve their debt problems.
the way it is presented is that you are going to help loads and loads of people and businesses solve their debt problems.

By no means am I trying to defend the marketing product being reviewed/pitched in this thread, but the only way it was going to help you "help loads and loads of people" is if you are willing to go out and tell your story to loads and loads and loads and loads of people. You didn't really think that somehow folks were going to line up outside your office door, right?

What effort have you made to prospect?
What effort have you made to prospect?

After hitting up some of my closest friends and even my ex wife (mind you I had 6 yrs of experience in insurance sales prior to YFB) my well dried. I reached out to a massive amount of people on Linkedin, went to local MeetUps in my area looking to network, passed out door hangers on neighborhoods... and after a few months and the lack of success I just resigned.

Well, I see the problem, although I don't know the wording of the message being promoted.

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went into detail in my first post

After hitting up some of my closest friends and even my ex wife (mind you I had 6 yrs of experience in insurance sales prior to YFB) my well dried. I reached out to a massive amount of people on Linkedin, went to local MeetUps in my area looking to network, passed out door hangers on neighborhoods... and after a few months and the lack of success I just resigned.

Let's assume by "hitting up" you made an attempt to speak directly to your "closest friends and even [your] ex-wife." Those are prospecting attempts you made. How many people constitute your "closest friends?" If you are at all discriminating in whom you count as among your "closest friends" that wasn't many. And did you sell any of them?

Local MeetUps? Any attempt you made to discuss your offer directly and set an appointment with an individual you met through a meet up would be a prospecting attempt. Anyone with whom you merely exchanged a business card with no attempt on your part to make an appointment was not prospecting, and perhaps was barely marketing - it was exactly as you noted: Networking, but to what end?

Door hangers? Again, this is marketing, not prospecting.

Linkedin? How did you "reach out." Did you call them, or did you simply send them pre-approach emails, texts, or letters? There is no legitimate prospecting effort until you pick up the phone or knock on their door and attempt to get a conversations with them.

I do not advocate Nick Murray's business model by any means. But his understanding of the difference between prospecting behaviors and prospecting-avoidance behaviors is spot on. If I go out and knock on 100 doors in an attempt to speak to someone to qualify for interest and set a sales appointment, that is prospecting. If instead I go to the same 100 doors and hang a door hanger, I have avoided prospecting and justified its avoidance by leaving a marketing piece behind.

Make 100 contacts at the door with the proper message and you'd have made a few sales.

Hang 10,000 door hangers with the right message and you might not get even one phone call.

You say you had six years in insurance sales prior to being introduced to the use of Whole Life as a banking strategy. Did you call or knock on you book of business?
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Or implementing some of these ideas:

  • Family & Friends
  • Offering Information
  • Joint Ventures
  • Educational Workshops
  • Monthly Newsletters
  • Annual Reviews
  • Referred Lead Programs
There's are more where that came from.

The problem with many "systems" out there, is that they don't necessarily teach you how to talk about it or promote your service offering. Don Blanton does a decent job of that though.

Of course, having something to say is more important than having someone to say it to.

Anyone with whom you merely exchanged a business card with no attempt on your part to make an appointment was not prospecting, and perhaps was barely marketing - it was exactly as you noted: Networking, but to what end?

There is no legitimate prospecting effort until you pick up the phone or knock on their door and attempt to get a conversations with them.

If I go out and knock on 100 doors in an attempt to speak to someone to qualify for interest and set a sales appointment, that is prospecting. If instead I go to the same 100 doors and hang a door hanger, I have avoided prospecting and justified its avoidance by leaving a marketing piece behind.

Did you call or knock on you book of business?

That is some good stuff right there. Same as DM is not prospecting.
So it seems like the idea of the program is solid but that this program is perhaps a marked up shovel salesman making all the money...What program or programs are the real deal? Rather than the snake oil like dream in a bottle stuff, how does someone "really" get started implementing these concepts successfully?

Sure we can knock 100 doors and probably unload that last set of whatever it is we are trying to unload, but what's the "real deal" for this concept?
So it seems like the idea of the program is solid but that this program is perhaps a marked up shovel salesman making all the money...What program or programs are the real deal? Rather than the snake oil like dream in a bottle stuff, how does someone "really" get started implementing these concepts successfully?

Sure we can knock 100 doors and probably unload that last set of whatever it is we are trying to unload, but what's the "real deal" for this concept?

That's how I feel. I am not sure. I see huge potential in the insurance industry but seriously lack a great marketing tool. I did my best when I was working door-to-door for 2.5 years out in rural areas. But that got old and tiring being away all the time. I have since struggled with finding a good model to work sustainably.