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Your Thoughts.

Since we were subject to a backhanded insult, I'll mention that one does not have to join the association to buy Frank's training. If someone calls me I'm very honest about the value of the pdf files.

For some, it's great. For others it may be dated.

However, with the purchase comes the offer to have anyone call me after they review the training so we can talk about moving the information into 2014. In fact, they can call me without buying the training.

I think joining Medicare Training 101 can be very valuable to both new and experienced agents. But my help comes without strings.


I can validate Ricks help, it was very informative and free.

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I am considering buying Frank Stastny's training pdf for $50. I know Frank is greatly respected on this site and I have read many of his posts here looking for useful info. For those who have purchased his training pdf, is it worth paying $50 for it. I realize that $50 for training is cheap but my guess is that the most valuable part of Frank's training was Frank and $50 bucks is $50 bucks. Is there enough info in the pdf to warrant $50 or can I get the same info by searching his posts here in the forum?
For those of you who know, your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

I have a hard copy of Frank's training manual and I would not sell it for $50.

If you can get the info for for $50 I can't imagine what you are waiting for if you plan to sell med sups.
Well JD that is what I was looking for. I wanted those experienced agents who have his pdf to let me know if it is worth getting or could I get the info from what Frank has posted on the forum. I was hoping there was more on the pdf. Thanks for the info.
Basically the same info as his posts. He does have a script in there but personally I think it is very generic and reeks of telemarketer.

I used it for one day when I first started and went right back to my way.