100% new and need some help


New Member
:embarrassed:I am thinking about starting up an agency for just auto here in ohio. BUT i have no clue of how to start it up. i have the licences already. how do i get the companies to sign up. Customers are not the problem my husban has been in the car business for many years and knows people all over to get new customers. I need to know how to start from the START. I hope that all of you can help me. PLEASE let me know all that you can.
Customers are not the problem my husban has been in the car business for many years and knows people all over to get new customers.

Well half of your problems are already solved. Good for you. You need to approach carriers that are willing to work with a new agency. I just recently signed on with Progressive for the auto insurance portion of my business as I was previously focusing just on homeowner's. You will also need to obtain E&O insurance. Any carrier anywhere will require you to carry it. With a built in customer base like yours you should do very well.
What lines are you going to be selling? If you're going to be selling health get in touch with Healthagent on this board, very knowledgeable and will help you.