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$1000/mo 63 Yr Female Quoted $319/mo!

Ok...let me explain this to you....and you need to EXPLAIN this way to the Client!

First, she qualifies for ACA. She is making 12,000 per year. The bare limit is 11,800 this year. So, she dealt with a dummy. If you are smart, call her back up, if she is making 1,000 per month. In our state, she'd pay nothing, on our plans but a ded/moop - copays.

Secondly, I live in a Republican state who did the SAME DAMN THING! They rejected FREE FUNDING for Medicaid.

I have people who bring in 600 per month, and they are now sent letters that they are INELIGIBALE for Medicaid.

The Officials in this state have hurt the poor, to drive their point that they hate the ACA.

I would like to remind them, that Bill-Hillary Clinton, Bush Sr., (Jr), and others have tried to pass a policy as such. When Regan passed Medicare, all was going to Hell. Now ask a senior today, "What would you do, if I took your Medicare away?" They would rip my head off. Seriously, MEDICARE STARTED IN THE 80s.

We send billions overseas, but we can't do our health. OZ has health! Canada has health. OURS is still private, not social. It is a great program but needs work.

Unfortunately, if you see it from street level up. Only poor got hurt, and that is thanks to Republicans. I am a registered Republican, and I am really ticked off at them. Seriously....they really go after the poor, for their message?

I think you meant to say LBJ.:yes:
Haha... Desperate....yes, I am... Lol.....support the forum or don't post... Haha, again...I support texas...and all texans......we be proud and don't support carpetbaggin.... Just how us texans roll....... Your comment just struck me as carpetbaggin, guess I am not aloud to have an opinion... I should just not post as you say... Whatch me

And you feel, that your party's rejection on money for Medicaid....to hurt the ACA is a great thing? You agree with the premise: "Stop Medicaid, for poor, to hurt ACA." That is the reality of what you did. In fact, the COURT CASE coming up, is BASED on Obama granting late enrollment for businesses. BUT REPULICANS who fought against businesses having to sign up, THEY ARE NOW FILING A COURT SUIT!

PLUS Republicans are filing a court suit to drop over 2.5 million PLUS, from having insurance. ARE YOU READY TO PAY for this collapse in businesses -who work for this - to clients perhaps dying because they NOW have insurance? Are you prepared to rip insurance from a cancer patient or more...who could NOT afford a 1,000 plus per month to live?

I will be honest, that I was just as snobby and closed-minded as you. Name all the words: Self-reliant, make your own life, etc. AND, I still agree with those notions. I get druggies on Narcotics, but I ALSO get the women who married an asshole.

But, dude, you need to grow. We have more than enough money, just BAD bookkeeping on our American USA bills. This has been in the works for YEARS, from even Massachusetts. Do not be Islamic in your thoughts/ Evangelical. Grow.

You have NO empathy. And when a Man does not have this...you are stuck in a cube.

I still love ya, and will debate ya. ;)

But, I had to write ya!
FREE FUNDING for Medicaid.

Yeah, except it isn't free.

When Regan passed Medicare, all was going to Hell. Now ask a senior today, "What would you do, if I took your Medicare away?" They would rip my head off. Seriously, MEDICARE STARTED IN THE 80s.

You are definitely a candidate for Watters' World.