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6 Days Still No Power!

I feel for you and will pray that you folks get things back to normal. I was without power for almost 3 weeks after the ice storm here at the end of Jan, 2009.

I learned that I was not cut out ot be a pioneer. Fortunately we didn't lose water. If you are without power and water it can't get much worse.
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That was his statement to the newspaper. He was just price gouging. I guess in his home land, that is a common practice. Hey his cousins are goosing us over there, they my as well goose us here too.


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If we're going with the most pure example, if you allow gas station owners to jack the price, then yes, the grocery store owner gladly pays that $8/gallon for gas.

However, when he opens the door he realizes none of his employees are there to run the store since the stockers and cashiers couldn't afford to get gas so they could get to work.

They are the riff raff. They or their kids do not need food or bottle water. Same for seniors and the working poor. Of course the grocer should also be able to gouge for his limited food and water. Assuming he is a brown guy from over there.
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this happened several years ago in Ohio. Big storm came through and knocked out power for days........

a few gas stations thought they would cash in and gouged gas prices....

after everything was back to normal, the state attorney general went after them for price gouging.

I don't remember what the fines were, but that was the last time gas prices went up due to a catastrophe!

I don't know who the AG is in your state, but maybe you should get in their ear a little bit.
If we're going with the most pure example, if you allow gas station owners to jack the price, then yes, the grocery store owner gladly pays that $8/gallon for gas.

However, when he opens the door he realizes none of his employees are there to run the store since the stockers and cashiers couldn't afford to get gas so they could get to work.

That's a separate economic decision. With Odd/Even at regular prices you are still going to have stations "sold out" by 9:00am. There are only 2 of 5 refineries up and running.

Half the employees aren't going to be able to get to work with the current system because there will be no gas for them to buy.

In a free market system, if the employer really needs them, he will pay for them to get to work. Problem solved. In the current system, there is no solution. Either you are lucky to get gas, or your not. If you are not lucky, then you cannot get to work.

The free market allows the fastest way to normalcy.
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this happened several years ago in Ohio. Big storm came through and knocked out power for days........

a few gas stations thought they would cash in and gouged gas prices....

after everything was back to normal, the state attorney general went after them for price gouging.

I don't remember what the fines were, but that was the last time gas prices went up due to a catastrophe!

I don't know who the AG is in your state, but maybe you should get in their ear a little bit.

These gas stations aren't "cashing in." Gas shipments are down 60%. If these stations are normally selling 100,000 gallons a week, now they are only selling 40,000 gallons. If they are forced by the AG to sell it at regular price, then they are losing out BIG TIME. Its a business, not UNICEF.

Let the market set the price. Even if that means $7-$8 a gal. It's only temporary. It's the fastest way to normalcy.
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Making money off someones miserty, is down right wrong! If you are a community gas station or supermarket. These are your customers all year round. There were only a few gas stations that did that. The one's that opened up and helped the community, are the one we will remember. The station in town took the gasoline motor off his power washer and rigged it up to his pump. That is what gets you loyality. The local Quick Chek, was open with a generator, that was a place to get information and talk with neighbors. We went back to newspapers and word of mouth. No tv or internet. The person who live's only for, the all mighty dollar. May die rich but friendless.
b61 I am doing fine in the philly area no lines for gas and everyone has power, NJ on the other hand looks like the apocalypse.

What area are u in ?
Making money off someones miserty, is down right wrong!...

That's what your customers say about you when they get premium increase notices.

Some people will never get it. They are usually emotional thinkers. Reason and logic is the first thing to get thrown out the window.

The prices system is the most effective and efficient way to ration scarce resources.

Even/Odd days with price controls and limits didn't work in '78-'79 and its not working today.

Patience on 'E:' Region's gas crisis continues, but Gov. Cuomo says it's 'getting better' - NY Daily News

Free markets, not government coercion is the fastest way to normalcy.
5 days no power, no heat, no gas, no internet! finally made it to the office. car got flooded with 5 ft of water, lost 2 cars and everything in the basement (including a home e-store inventory)

the gas lines are 9 hrs long and over 20 blocks here in brooklyn, nyc. !

i come to work with messages am i covered for flood?!?! lol not a good monday!
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btw, if youre near nysc gym, you can use their facilities for free!
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