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9 Good Reasons To Operate A Insurance Sales Call Center:

#1 - While I see there is something to your business model, there are other ways that agents can do this without the middleman.

The agents I see using this are:
1. Too lazy to do it on their own
2. Not intelligent enough to do it on their own
3. New agents who will leave you once they figure out how to do it on their own

#2 - Sounds like there are a lot of hands in the pot...There are upline managers, the FMO, you, how many times you going to cut that commission?

#1 - You said it Michael - too lazy and they don't either know how to do it or don't want to learn to do it. We know some agents will leave, but we hope to spoil them with an abundance of quality leads and show them how to make $2k a week in 3 or 4 days.

#2 - Yea - it's not the best commission % - but the support and ease of doing the business makes up for it.

#1 - Unfortunately, the profession remains polluted by people whose only goal is to make as much money as they can, as quickly as they can.

#2 - And, for the record, the "old sick people" who "turn you off" are lovely, trusting, interesting individuals who are trying to navigate this incredibly confusing maze the best they can, and who deserve our respect. All they ask for is honesty and a decent game plan, and not to be ripped off by the above short-term players. I certainly don't blame them when don't trust us any more.

#1 - While we certainly want to make money - we do it in an honest fashion, marketing quality products. Our "goal" is to provide the client with the product they are seeking and earn an honest commission at the same time.

If they want life insurance - we sell them life insurance. If they want health insurance - we sell them health insurance. If they want an annuity - we run it upline and get them an annuity. Please don't assume that just because we have a different marketing plan that we aren't still an advocate for our clients . . .

there is the entire reason i have been beating on this con artist for a week....i hate little punks that do this

Easy to act all that with a keyboard isn't it peeler . . .

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#1 - You said it Scott -

You might get a little better feedback from Midwestbroker if you knew his real first name.

When a person's first name isn't shown it is best to refer to them by their user name. Just like selling insurance, one shouldn't try to sell any product until and unless they are positive they have accurate, factual information.

I sincerely hope you don't run your business that way. I think you can see what happens when you ass-u-me you know what you are talking about.
You might get a little better feedback from Midwestbroker if you knew his real first name.

My bad - for some reason I thought I was responding to STI. My apologies to Michael.

Relax a bit Frank - geez . . .

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My bad - for some reason I thought I was responding to STI. My apologies to Michael.

Relax a bit Frank - geez . . .


Have a smooth answer and comeback for everything... dont you.

When I first got into sales I worked for a company that did high preasure sales in peoples homes... u were there 3 hours just beating the crap out of them until either the police were called or u sold.... ever thing the client objected to we were taught to say 'thats the exact reason u need this service mr client" and then we would spend 10 minn twisting and turning words around to trick them that i was right.... example, i have to have xyz, does this product have that?... my answer, I would never have one that didn't.... meaning, i never answered the question..... duck and spin, juke and jive till i got a check...

now, some 25 years later out of that biz for 17 years and in the ins biz i just see the old colorado prime ways being expressed in all his postings... turn every thing around, admit nothing negitive.... in insurance that just does not work... unlike the colorado prime days where i was not regulated and posess an insurance license for the state to yank... here u do and they will come and get that license for thaat type of behavior.

this is the reason i have serious problems with this tobacco road con man.... when he started posting red flags shot up and i thought, colorado prime inc.
Whether you are feeding your family or entertaining a crowd, Colorado Prime Foods has everything you need for the perfect meal.
unlike the colorado prime days where i was not regulated and posess an insurance license for the state to yank... here u do and they will come and get that license for thaat type of behavior.

What type of behavior is that peeler?

LOL @ "yanking" a license. For what?

No need to be jealous peeler.

While I don't agree with everything myinsurebiz says you can make a good living out of call center based insurance. While lots of you guys preech making customers for life there are also people who just want fast service. I used to work for a large insurance brokerage dealing strictly in term insurance and I personally sold between $300K and $400K of insurance a year myself and I received lots of repeat business and customer referrals and I never met a single customer in person, even a client who bought a $18,000 term policy from me. Now im on my own still doing a large volume but making more money. :)