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A Sincere Request...(please Help)

Todd Preston

Hi Friends,

I got my license recently and am trying to get some "traction" as an independent sales rep but having trouble getting out of the box and MOTIVATED.

I'm trying to be completely honest with myself as i approach this business. I don't want to delude myself into some idea that just isn't true.

I was hoping some of the pros could chime in and add a positive yet realistic view based on what they see.

I have done well in sales in the past (sold residential AC, mortgages, cars, etc) and have enjoyed the process but its always been with a company environment where i had support and a team to work with. I've even done well selling inside Retail products like Electronics and Furniture (but the future in these lines is limited and can be political).

I've never been good at being a lone wolf. I've always worked in Team Environment (being a real people person) and enjoy the comradery of working in a group environment. I like the idea of going to a place of biz and then meeting people to sell them (either at my office or at their place of biz).

I spoke with a couple of BIG TIME sweat shops where you sit in a cubicle and sell in front of a computer. I mean hundreds of agents selling health plans. When i asked pointed questions of the manager (some of whom look very shady) i heard that i was a "captured agent" and wouldn't get any over-rides or following comm (it all stayed with the company).

PC vs LH
I was thinking that PC might be a better fit than LH as the later seems to be more independent and loosely structured. Not to mention the commission in many LH products seem to pay quite low comm. (don't know how much PC Pays but its got to be better than a health plan).

I was hoping that guys who have been in the Biz for sometime can give me some straight talk. Any advice for a Newby wet behind the ears as an Independent with the above characteristics?

Sure do appreciate any input you guys can give that might "shed some light" and help me make a decision on which way to go.

thanks in advance and Best to you!


Life is going to typically pay more upfront then P&C. P&C you will earn more on residual business

Someone on here has compared life to being a hunter and P&C to being a farmer.

Most captive P&C agencies require you to sell both so you could look into something like that.

Start by applying to different companies and interviewing. You will get to see the pro's and con's of each and maybe this will help you make a decision
What it sounds like to me is you need to be with a big life agency. You'll get the teamwork and support you crave, but you will also get the training you need to go off on your own.
I agree with nyc2phi- life is where the money is at, at least in the beginning. Talk to the folks at the big agencies and see if you might be a better fit. You may be captive, but it doesn't have to be forever.
You are not going to like LH it is a lonely biz.
If what you are saying is true about yourself you need to go with a big PC company and get a very very very good location. That would fit you better its more of a retail environment. But keep in mind the camaraderie you get will come from the people you hire. And that won't happen for at least after your 2 year mark.

I don't care if you have to eat ramen noodles and walk to the office get the best location you and your family can afford. It can make the difference of staying in business or not. If biz is slow go out into the intersection and give away free water and biz cards, wear your co logo shirt. Do this 15 hours a day 6 days a week and after 2 years you can go back 8 hour day with weekends off. Good Luck
You sound like a better ft for P&C than L&H. Try to find an agency that wants to take on a producer. Learn the business and then go from there.
I got my license recently and am trying to get some "traction" as an independent sales rep but having trouble getting out of the box and MOTIVATED.

I'm trying to be completely honest with myself as i approach this business. I don't want to delude myself into some idea that just isn't true.

Congrats on not wanting to delude yourself. Here's the truth: motivation IS an internal, NOT external thing. If you can't do it, you should get a job selling lawn care or cell phones or whatever for someone else.
You are not going to like LH it is a lonely biz.
If what you are saying is true about yourself you need to go with a big PC company and get a very very very good location. That would fit you better its more of a retail environment. But keep in mind the camaraderie you get will come from the people you hire. And that won't happen for at least after your 2 year mark.

I don't care if you have to eat ramen noodles and walk to the office get the best location you and your family can afford. It can make the difference of staying in business or not. If biz is slow go out into the intersection and give away free water and biz cards, wear your co logo shirt. Do this 15 hours a day 6 days a week and after 2 years you can go back 8 hour day with weekends off. Good Luck

Is location realllllllyyy that important for P&C or are you just talking captive P&C?

I feel like i've only had a handful of people ask me where my office is located ?
Is location realllllllyyy that important for P&C or are you just talking captive P&C?

I feel like i've only had a handful of people ask me where my office is located ?

It is in my neck of the woods p&c guys get a lot of foot traffic here. Now after 5 years and hes up and running he could find a cheaper location If he wanted too.
Lots of ideas to ponder. The BIG thing is that regardless of the line you choose, you need to join an agency. Good, bad, or ugly, you will get some support and training that you just won't be able to get trying to piece it all together yourself.

Down the road, maybe independent. But not now.
One of the biggest blunders I made starting out indy was that I spent a lot of time getting ready to sell rather than selling. Had I been in a captive environment, I may have not made that mistake. Like others have said, perhaps learning the ropes captive first and breaking out on your own later may be a good way to go.

Then again, there are a ton of career agents with the big boys who make good money and are perfectly happy.