Aetna PPO dental for vets

Anyone using Aetna as a go to when someone wants dental. How I see it is it's a bucket of cash... go get your work done whatever it may be and pay for your bill and submit a claim. And if the client is lucky enough to have a dentist that bills the carrier, then good to go. If not, client pays oop then submits claim. Is Aetna good about reimbursing and how long does it take?

Eagle here has vet plan, client wants dentures. Initially I put him on Humana Honor where he still is and he enjoys the part b give back. That one doesn't let you add the enhanced dental. I'm thinking the dental on the Eagle would cover his dentures. I haven't moved to switch him yet, but thinking Jan I will. He is hoping for dentures in March.

I'm not a fan of Humana dental (or any dental for that matter)---the last vet I had use it, claim was denied outright and hasn't been corrected yet and may never be...

Seems like I've seen someone discussing this in here before.
Anyone using Aetna as a go to when someone wants dental. How I see it is it's a bucket of cash... go get your work done whatever it may be and pay for your bill and submit a claim. And if the client is lucky enough to have a dentist that bills the carrier, then good to go. If not, client pays oop then submits claim. Is Aetna good about reimbursing and how long does it take?

Eagle here has vet plan, client wants dentures. Initially I put him on Humana Honor where he still is and he enjoys the part b give back. That one doesn't let you add the enhanced dental. I'm thinking the dental on the Eagle would cover his dentures. I haven't moved to switch him yet, but thinking Jan I will. He is hoping for dentures in March.

I'm not a fan of Humana dental (or any dental for that matter)---the last vet I had use it, claim was denied outright and hasn't been corrected yet and may never be...

Seems like I've seen someone discussing this in here before.

The Eagle in my area has some Part B giveback and 2000.00/year for dental. Starting in 2024 Aetna is sending out a debit card that will be loaded with their dental, eyewear and 105.00/quarter for OTC so that's what they will use to pay the dentist next year. They also can now go to CVS, Walgreens, WalMart, etc to get their OTC with that same card. Alot of my clients will get their top dentures at the end of the year and bottom ones beginning of new year so they are covered completely. That's if they don't die before the next year due to being on a MAPD.
The Eagle in my area has some Part B giveback and 2000.00/year for dental. Starting in 2024 Aetna is sending out a debit card that will be loaded with their dental, eyewear and 105.00/quarter for OTC so that's what they will use to pay the dentist next year. They also can now go to CVS, Walgreens, WalMart, etc to get their OTC with that same card. Alot of my clients will get their top dentures at the end of the year and bottom ones beginning of new year so they are covered completely. That's if they don't die before the next year due to being on a MAPD.

That must be dependent on the market. Here in Fl the dental is still a reimbursement
That must be dependent on the market. Here in Fl the dental is still a reimbursement

They didn't say anything about a debit card they can use for OTC and dental and glasses? They can even go to Walgreens and WalMart now and use the card. The only thing they need to still send in for reimbursement is the 1200.00 for tennis shoes, golf clubs, geeen fees, treadmill etc.
I haven't heard debit card. Might be the case, gotta brush up.

Thats a goal this coming year. Better dental options. I'll talk anything, but when the word dental comes up, I wanna poke my freaking eyes out!

Dental grinds me beyond anything in this biz, gotta get better at it and finding best options.

I try to walk right away..."dental your primary concern? you need a dental agent..."

They still don't go get a dental agent, but they KNOW 100% I'm not focused on dental concerns.

If there are great options though, I guess I need to get with the program.

I'll check on the debit card situation here....if that's the case then that would be a good reason to go with Aetna.

I'm embarrassed about my hatred toward dental. LOL. Sort of....
They didn't say anything about a debit card they can use for OTC and dental and glasses? They can even go to Walgreens and WalMart now and use the card. The only thing they need to still send in for reimbursement is the 1200.00 for tennis shoes, golf clubs, geeen fees, treadmill etc.

Our training didn't give us any info about a debit card and the SOB just says reimbursement here. Maybe I'll find out later from a client about a debit card but we weren't informed of that in FL.
Our training didn't give us any info about a debit card and the SOB just says reimbursement here. Maybe I'll find out later from a client about a debit card but we weren't informed of that in FL.

The Aetna rep says that mapd dental includes the commercial network now . When I looked up dentists it seemed like a lot of in network dentists . Do they have a good network ? I know Aetna is known for their reimbursement. So does that mean if a dentist charges $1300 and usual and customary is $1100 Aetna will pay the whole $1300 ? What has got me confused is this . I thought 80-90% of dentists will bill the ins company for you . Why do I need to fill the claim form out with Aetna ? Won't most dentists bill Aetna ?
The Aetna rep says that mapd dental includes the commercial network now . When I looked up dentists it seemed like a lot of in network dentists . Do they have a good network ? I know Aetna is known for their reimbursement. So does that mean if a dentist charges $1300 and usual and customary is $1100 Aetna will pay the whole $1300 ? What has got me confused is this . I thought 80-90% of dentists will bill the ins company for you . Why do I need to fill the claim form out with Aetna ? Won't most dentists bill Aetna ?

Lately most will bill Aetna even if not in network. But they only get a set amount to use so going to an in network dentist stretches that money further bc of the contracted charges. Out of network dentists can charge quite a bit more obviously. If the dentist won't submit just have them write their ID number on the receipt and circle the dentist's name and how much they paid. Haven't used claim forms for about 3 years.