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Afflac - Pros and Cons

Ok I understand that businesses are a lot more saturated. But that doesn't mean you should write them off. right?

Also, I have heard mixed things on this. Is Aflac captive or no?
I love AFLAC! They are the reason that I am in the insurance business. I was a stupid kid (21) when I got recruited in. After getting licensed and doing some serious prospecting, I found that AFLAC is AFLAC's biggest competition. The market is saturated, agents walking into other agents accounts and just simply pissing off the business owners.

I opened 17 groups in 90 days though. One enrollment I made $7000 in commission in one day. I thought the insurance business was the business for me after that day!

Then, I didn't make any money for 60 days....

the rest is history--now I do individual life over the phone...great intro to the business because if you can prospect for AFLAC, you can prospect for anything!

Great post........Aflac as "gladiator school".............

What doesn't kill, will make you stronger.....I like that & it's true.
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I don't understand this whole over saturation thing.
That's like saying there are too many fast food burger chains in the area. That may be, but some of those burger places are going to be very successful because they market better than the one right next to them.

* The issue isn't other burger chains in the area, it's the same burger joint block after block......burger chains aren't stupid enough to do THAT.
You might see BK, McDonald's and Wendy's on the same block that ALL the ok...but you don't see 3 Bk's on top of each other, competing to sell the exact same Whopper on the same block.

I also asked my DM in the interview about the saturation rate in my area, and his response was "penetration rate is 7%"...

* This is a dishonest, smoke and mirrors void the question answer, that'd piss me off.
e.g. If there were a party in Hollywood with 1000 models and a buddy ask me "What are my chances?" and my answer was "only 7% have been penetrated" I'm purposes avoiding an honest answer and I'm misleading on purpose cause:

a) The truth is he'll 'think' the low penetration rate is due to lack of trying and he'd be wrong (with my help, of course)
b) The models are so tired of getting "hit on"/ guys 'trying' by now, Brad Pitt might have a tough time

(It's like a music group with the an album saying "well we've only 1/2% of market share....
that could mean your album sucks, son
vs 99 1/2 % are just waiting to hear from you.)
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I also asked my DM in the interview about the saturation rate in my area, and his response was "penetration rate is 7%"...

Robert, there's a difference between "penetration" (the percentage of potential business clients that are signed with and carry AFLAC) and what we're calling "saturation" (how often local business owners are approached by AFLAC agents).

We're just saying that it can be disheartening when you're chased out of a business for being just the latest agent from a company calling on them, and that credibility in this business is important. If a company has been called on by, let's say, 10 AFLAC agents in the last year (not impossible), and only 2 of those agents are even still with the company, it can cut to your credibility somewhat.

Can being a full time AFLAC agent work? Sure it can, and it does. The company certainly has a lot going for it. But someone going into it needs to know the realities of the position.
Anyone ever work a saturated market BtoB before? It's horrible and you take a LOT of abuse.

You need the ability to stand toe to toe with business owners, who are sometimes angry, when you present yourself.

You need to be able to diffuse the situation and be witty, potentially funny while also serious and aggressive. That takes a very, very special kind of person.

It's not the kind of position for mass hiring and in fact, that only results in a territory getting "burnt." Burning a territory is sending a bad rep through it. They pull next to no deals, but now it's been "hit."
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Anyone ever work a saturated market BtoB before? It's horrible and you take a LOT of abuse.

You need the ability to stand toe to toe with business owners, who are sometimes angry, when you present yourself.

You need to be able to diffuse the situation and be witty, potentially funny while also serious and aggressive. That takes a very, very special kind of person.

It's not the kind of position for mass hiring and in fact, that only results in a territory getting "burnt." Burning a territory is sending a bad rep through it. They pull next to no deals, but now it's been "hit."

Agreed--it was brutal.

I kept getting the same objection: "Give me the materials and I will present them to my employees, if there is any interest I will call you."

My trained response; "That's fine. Tell you what, let me sit at your desk and pay the bills, talk to vendors and make some sales while you are doing my job."

If you can't pull that off, you don't belong at AFLAC.
robert, you go to a hamburger place and consume a burger. when aflac is in a place an agent "owns" that business already. you can't resale them what they are already paying for. think about your car insurance. someone can't sell you the exact same policy with the same company. why would the company do that?
i know a couple aflac agents that made a boatload of money. after warming small businesses up to voluntary benefits other companies have come in behind them and replaced them with more benefits and less premium.
My trained response; "That's fine. Tell you what, let me sit at your desk and pay the bills, talk to vendors and make some sales while you are doing my job."

I opened a new account and the owner said she talked to all the employees about AFLAC and not one wants to buy anything. I should not waste my time. I said I still need to see them each individually.

I ended up selling 5 of them AFLAC insurance. The owner was shocked and I explained to her I know what I am doing and have the training and the experience to make this work.

I did not need her getting in my way!! :nah: