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Afflac - Pros and Cons

All you ever hear is negative about AFLAC but I know of one local agent that definitely makes $200,000+ selling AFLAC. I know 2 other local AFLAC agents who are quality people but are more part-timers. They all hate the high producing AFLAC lady but they all acknowledge she does earn that.

I was also selling an FE policy last week and the lady told me her grandchild had cancer when he was 5 years old. She said AFLAC paid a huge amount of money when the family was going through that. I don't know if huge was $5,000 or $100,000 but she was VERY happy with them.
I do not even own a business and know the market is over-saturated with Aflac agents. How do I know this? My resume has been online for just over two months now and 7, yes that's right, 7 different Aflac people have called trying to get me to join their pyramid.

I knew beforehand though that this was not going to work because my ex girlfriend worked briefly for Aflac. She's the ex girlfriend that when we were dating I suggested we go skiing and that I had never been to British Columbia. Her response? There is no way I am going to England and flying over the Atlantic!

Needless to say her and I did not work nor did her and Aflac.....
i know an aflac agent personally that has made a killin with aflac and they pay their claims. he is now contracted with other companies because aflac has done such a great job hemming up the < 20 employee market.
I do not even own a business and know the market is over-saturated with Aflac agents. How do I know this? My resume has been online for just over two months now and 7, yes that's right, 7 different Aflac people have called trying to get me to join their pyramid.

I knew beforehand though that this was not going to work because my ex girlfriend worked briefly for Aflac. She's the ex girlfriend that when we were dating I suggested we go skiing and that I had never been to British Columbia. Her response? There is no way I am going to England and flying over the Atlantic!

Needless to say her and I did not work nor did her and Aflac.....

I'm sure she probably thinks "denial" is a river in Egypt!:laugh:
Agreed--it was brutal.

I kept getting the same objection: "Give me the materials and I will present them to my employees, if there is any interest I will call you."

My trained response; "That's fine. Tell you what, let me sit at your desk and pay the bills, talk to vendors and make some sales while you are doing my job."

If you can't pull that off, you don't belong at AFLAC.

I've represented Colonial against AFLAC for years here. It's been brutal the last 10 yrs. or so. . I came into the business in the mid 1980's working primarily municipal business (public sector).

We were the only ones (Colonial) doing it back then. AFLAC was an unknown entity. I worked State of LA., City of New Orleans, school boards, etc. etc. etc. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Great money for the time.

Now, Colonial & AFLAC compete with each other and themselves. LOTS of agents out there. I'm looking to change directions and will be doing so by years end. I'm biased, but if you want this type of career, you would fare better with Colonial.
Aflac's a great product. Pays claims and if you're able to stick it out for 2 years you can start expanding what you do with other stuff when your slow on enrollments. I started with Aflac working 40 hour weeks and have renewals steady enough to pay most of my bills each month. When I got to that point I decided to add certain things that run smoothly with the Aflac stuff. Medicare Advan and final expense are a must for building a serious income for future. As soon as you get to a certain point with any company it's always good to do ALL business As-Earned which makes a nice steady income instead of big chunks here and there and possibility of major chargebacks which is number one reason Aflac agents don't survive. Keep busy and just like any other sales career, you have to stick it out. I recommend purchasing a computer drive called the brick which is pretty inexpensive and use that with a laptop and use the money you save on marketing for small business owners. I know a couple guys on here sell good small business lists so if you guys could list yourselves so he has something to work with. Hope this helps!!
i know an aflac agent personally that has made a killin with aflac and they pay their claims. he is now contracted with other companies because aflac has done such a great job hemming up the < 20 employee market.
AFLAC has aout 2 % of their associates making that kind of money. I know a few of them and they are an exception. Sell life insurance or Medicare supplement insurance and don't waste time with AFLAC.
It is like anything, you have to make an effort to sell it. I had an appointment at one time, but let it go due to not enough time to sell the product. It is a great product, and has alot of benefits, but you must learn it and sell the crap out of it.