Agency Management System


Schmuck, Putz, Boobulah.

Code a better program. Or..Shut Up

It's been very entertaining watching you tear apart every word Frank presented. It's like a PC Users Group I visit on occasion at Georgia Tech. They spend most of the time bragging about how Bill Gates missed this and that in Windows. When I ask them who among them has a better design, the room goes deathly quiet.

I, personally, use FREECRM.COM. I download quotes, schedule calls, develop scripts, schedule meetings and other calendar events. That's all I need it for. It's internet based, so I can access it from my home office, and my office.

It is the most eye appealing. NO. But, it serves it's purpose.

Sounds to me that you know enough about coding to be impressive to some, and a danger to others. Guys like you are very entertaining.

One day, you must show us all how you did the "walking on water" thing.

You're probably the guy that walks into Best Buy, and wants to go toe to toe with the sales rep in the HDTV or Computer Department. Of course, having an audience helps. It's obviously very important for you to be right.

There are some reps who DON'T need internet access for their CRM. Ever think of that? I'm not one of them, but the guy who got me into the industry, who does MUCH better than I do, still uses card boxes and paper files. Myself, I am going to a paperless society.

You have an IPhone. Wasn't that hacked into? Mmmmmm.... Good choice!

Your knowledge of platforms and coding is rather impressive. Frank NEVER promoted this as an internet based CRM. That's where your argument falls to the ground. But, if you ignore that very basic point, WHEW, YOU'RE GOOD.

To me there is no perfect CRM for the insurance professional. (no offense, Frank) Frank is just offering an option for the professional, who works from a Desktop. That's how he has promoted it.

So, Al...


Code a better internet based CRM than what's out there and send it to me.

OH, I know, you don't have time...

BTW, how's your XML skills? Maybe we can go toe to toe in designing some websites.

Thanks for responding. Let's put price aside. Let's compare the two systems against each other. There is person in my office who swears by Advisors Assistant. I must say that he did have a learning curve. It requires the be set up with the criteria and fields that the agent would like to have. The contact/task list is great. With the activity requested popping up the day set. So, if he set's a time and date for a phone call or to send out a birthday card etc. It will pop up automatically. The search capability is really good. He uses it to find all of his term policy holders that are approaching the end of their term period and will incur a premium increase. Before you know it. It compiles a list. And this agent goes after them, to either convert to a UL or replace the term policy. He has not showed me all the other tricks that can be done with the software. But, it appears to do a great job for his business operation.
What say you?
I tried YIO briefly (just the trial version). It worked for what it is, but as a P&C agent, document management is vital. It doesn't have any document management capabilities.

Given this, round 2 would actually go to advisors assistant, since it does (for a low annual additional fee). Keep in mind, I've never used advisors assistant at all.

Also, the cost of these programs is not the issue at all. It's what do they offer to YOU in terms of an ROI. While I might be willing to pay a substantial amount more for things like document management, to many other agents, it's not worth a dime. Everyone has their own priorities.

I can tell you what I don't like about virtually every crm system out there, I've tried most of them. In the end, you have to try enough to figure out what is important to YOU, and then find the one that best fits that need.

In my case, it was spending $1,000,000 to create a custom system. Okay, this might be a slight exaggeration :D:D:D:D

I-Relay: One Great Insurance CRM!:biggrin:
YIO allows an individual agent to put the program on both their PC and laptop at no additional charge.

Looks like my post got deleted. Gee, am I not surprised? I wonder if Frank is a moderator here? Maybe not. Maybe it was just a system glitch. Anyway, I'll try again.

All I ask is how does YIO keep the PC and laptop in sync? If someone is entering data on the PC while someone is in the field entering data, how does YIO get both machines to have the same data?

I didn't see anything anti-semitic in his comments, he just called you names in Yiddish...

That's because you don't wish to enforce any code of conduct or even use your power of persuasion as founder in an attempt to keep this board civil. You are happy to keep a hand-off approach and let the board "police" itself. That's fine. I'm trying to do a little "policing" here.

I wrote a private note to anonymous coward "Bob" email address found here

It is interesting that on his entire site his full name never shows up anywhere. I told him that next time I'm in Atlanta (which I get to often on way to my mother's home in Palm Beach via Delta) that I'll come to his office and we can have a polite discussion about all of this.

I have to agree with Rick. Anonymous "drive by" postings are going to ruin this board if the owner and his moderators don't do something.

If you want to call someone an a--hole or a jackass (which Rick has labeled me) or whatever, that's fine. No problem. But don't bring their race or religion into it.. or even hint at it. That's going beyond the bounds of good taste and civil discourse.

Jackass Al