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Agent Autopilot

If I recall Todd, you bought Rick's training company and got mad at me when I criticized him on the forum because you were afraid it would hurt your sales. You posted "why am I so negative against Rick?"

The fact that he was kicked off the forum for arguing with practically everyone and the moderator should tell you what it was like dealing with him and what kind of person he is.

I would love for you to show me where I said that! You have never impacted our business one iota and never will.

It doesn't matter why the moderator thought he should be kicked off. Rick actually asked to be booted permanently.

Truth be told, there was one moderator on here that didn't like Rick from the get-go and wouldn't ever change his mind no matter what, no matter how many times Rick politely reached out to him. After a while, Rick knew it was pointless. Speaking of pointles, the moderator knew he didn't really have a good reason to boot him. That's why Rick had to actually ask to be booted. There was a bit more behind the scenes than anyone here (besides the moderator) knew about. I was privy to it because I saw countless emails and PMs.

You were a problem for Rick shortly after you first met him. You contracted under him, he basically handed you clients, then you went to another FMO, just that quick. Your right to do, but a little unethical and certainly shows no gratitude, no couth at all.
If I recall Todd, you bought Rick's training company and got mad at me when I criticized him on the forum because you were afraid it would hurt your sales. You posted "why am I so negative against Rick?"

The fact that he was kicked off the forum for arguing with practically everyone and the moderator should tell you what it was like dealing with him and what kind of person he is.
I have never had a problem with Rick. Still friends on Facebook.. And, still have my Washington National contract under him. :yes:
Rousemark: there's a reason why he was kicked off this forum. And, I was told this morning by 2 agents that he was suspended twice by Facebook. He's a malcontent.
So? Doesn't mean I have ever had a problem with him. did have one situation on Facebook where I took umbrage about something he posted on one of my Facebook posts.. But, he immediately apologized and removed his comment. Could't ask for anything more.
So? Doesn't mean I have ever had a problem with him. did have one situation on Facebook where I took umbrage about something he posted on one of my Facebook posts.. But, he immediately apologized and removed his comment. Could't ask for anything more.

Oh Rick can have a mouth on him. We have had dinner drinks a couple of times. I took him to a first responders Brewery a lot of my Post members frequent. I thought one of the female Marines were kick his ass. By the end of the night they loved him because he is like them, Real.

True story, I felt like Joe.

And yeah, he asked to be band.
Oh Rick can have a mouth on him. We have had dinner drinks a couple of times. I took him to a first responders Brewery a lot of my Post members frequent. I thought one of the female Marines were kick his ass. By the end of the night they loved him because he is like them, Real.

True story, I felt like Joe.

And yeah, he asked to be band.
Anyone who knows Rick personally will have the same stories.

He's a dick online but at his heart, he's a really good dude. He'll go out of his way to help you if you need it.
Anyone who knows Rick personally will have the same stories.

He's a dick online but at his heart, he's a really good dude. He'll go out of his way to help you if you need it.

I am going to home base in Laughlin for a few days as I scout out the tri state. Maybe I will slide North to Las Vegas and see if he can sponsor me into the Diamond at Ceasars. Then I can rock like you big boys.