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Allstate and Progressive end relationships with local insurance agency due to alleged racist Junetee

Agreed. Does not make a bit of sense. Its like they wanted the agency to go down in flames. And a P&C shop at that.... they are risking a very valuable asset, much more than a life book of biz.

If I heard correctly, the owner didnt even issue the apology, the employee who put up the sign issued it. Had I been the owner, the employee would have been fired immediately and a press conference held to announce that it was not me who did it and the employee is fired.
The employee us the daughter or daughter in law of the owner(dont remember which from reading the "apology").
But the part about fried chicken and collard greens, clearly racist. No question.

This comment is so strange to me. Where I'm from, fried chicken and collards is a dietary staple for a lot of people. If I had an office and put a sign out that said I'd be out for the holiday, everybody enjoy their fried chicken and collards, they would think that's nice, you too, or why is he saying that, he didn't give us any?

I'm kind of offended that this thread is using fried chicken and collards as a weapon, and I'd like to have some for dinner. This has got to be some sort of provincial thing.
This comment is so strange to me. Where I'm from, fried chicken and collards is a dietary staple for a lot of people. If I had an office and put a sign out that said I'd be out for the holiday, everybody enjoy their fried chicken and collards, they would think that's nice, you too, or why is he saying that, he didn't give us any?

I'm kind of offended that this thread is using fried chicken and collards as a weapon, and I'd like to have some for dinner. This has got to be some sort of provincial thing.

No way you are that out of touch. Its a racist stereotype... a well known one at that... one that is used often in the south. Nothing regional about it.
Out of touch my ass, you're obviously not from the SE US, regardless of where you live now. This whole thread is offensive.

You know what,
I do get frustrated when any mention of fried chicken or watermelon get all these crazies shouting racism

Drives me nuts

And even if a put aside the fact that this was Maine

You cant see the tone of this sign

I Mean if it said happy 4th enjoy your fired chicken and collard greens and it was in the south
And thats all it said
Then, Ok Than I would agree

But we all know thats not what this is

It was bitter all the way through
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Out of touch my ass, you're obviously not from the SE US, regardless of where you live now. This whole thread is offensive.

Born and raised in SC. If you were raised in the south, no way you dont know.

And even if you dont agree that it SHOULD be..... IT IS.

Either you care about not making racist statements or you dont care about making racist statements.

If its not about you.... then you dont get to decide what is offensive..... 400+ years of history has decided that for you.

If you dont understand why it is offensive, then you need to educate yourself.
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I am not the best arbiter of what is and is not racist - but it sounds fairly racist to me, especially when it is associated with the new Holiday of Juneteenth.

My biggest question is was this considered some sort of joke or what was the sign's creator thinking?
Born and raised in SC. If you were raised in the south, no way you dont know.

And even if you dont agree that it SHOULD be..... IT IS.

So either you care about not making racist statements or you dont care about making racist statements.

If its not about you, then you are not the one who gets to decide what is offensive..... 300+ years of history has decided that for you. If you dont understand why it is offensive, then you need to educate yourself.
You're so misguided, I'm not defending the guy that was mocking the holiday.. Anyway,, if it makes you feel important to pound your chest and claim an intimate understanding of the subject, enjoy it. I don't care, I'm only marginally considered white anyway.
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This comment is so strange to me. Where I'm from, fried chicken and collards is a dietary staple for a lot of people. If I had an office and put a sign out that said I'd be out for the holiday, everybody enjoy their fried chicken and collards, they would think that's nice, you too, or why is he saying that, he didn't give us any?

I'm kind of offended that this thread is using fried chicken and collards as a weapon, and I'd like to have some for dinner. This has got to be some sort of provincial thing.

Are you serious? I have to either assume you're joking or dense.

The guy was making a racist comment. He closed for Juneteeth.. A holiday celebrating the freedom of slaves, which were largely black. Fried chicken, collards, and watermelon are a common trope that people use to say what black people eat.

He's literally mocking Juneteenth as a ridiculous holiday and I hope you enjoy your black meal.

There's a huge difference in saying "I'm serving fried chicken and collards greens for a meal" and what was said.

I'm from, and spent 25 years of my young adult life in, Charleston, SC and I can see the difference.