Do social media and websites help for insurance leads and marketing?

To answer the original question, I am constantly being contacted by referrals from my network and existing clients. If someone finds me on Yelp! or google or something like that, then they go to the bottom of the pile. I'll work with them only if my schedule comfortably allows it. They are generally the worst leads.
Yes, to social media like Facebook, which is great for organic lead gen if you know what you're doing.

No to Yelp, which is generally a waste of time and money.
do you use only Facebook or also Linked In or Instagram?

Which platform would you say is the best for insurance agents for lead generation and marketing and why?
I used to be on twitter but got fed up with all the financial advisors bashing on the IUL almost daily and I didn't want to message people privately to offer them insurance. Too many people fighting, it felt more like a soap opera than anything useful.
Linkedin, followed by yelp and facebook. Linkedin because if you are into selling annuities, each profile tells you their previous jobs and potentially left 401ks. Again people who write recommendations for others are easy referal sources if you make them a client. SAme logic with yelp but on yelp I can see recommendations from a different perspective. If someone is happy with a plumber they write in detail why they are happy. Use that in your introductory call. Facebook is hit and miss. Facebook tells you what they like and dont like. That helps. However, if someone becomes a client and adds you on facebook, bingo. Any wedding, pool party has lots of names and potential referals. You have to work to earn the trust and get the introduction.