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Another MA article.

If I sold mapd, I would have every client sign a document understanding they must pass underwriting in order to return to a med supp. Wonder if any agents do? Or wonder how stern they are when disclosing, if they disclose? That should the purpose of a scope

Do you make your clients sign a disclosure stating that they understand that they must pass underwriting in order to change med supps in the future (once their premium increases)?

Just curious.

No, you don't. Because that's stupid to do.
Cleveland Clinic (#10)


This poor info about Cleveland Clinic has been circulating for well over a decade, I think it was part of "training" in medigap against MAPD.... but it's not even close to accurate.

Cleveland Clinic (facts)

Medicare Advantage Plans
The federal government’s health insurance program for people ages 65 and older, and certain younger people with disabilities or kidney failure.

I have had MAPD clients using Cleveland Clinic for over a decade. But it always pops up in conversations like this one...
I have had MAPD clients using Cleveland Clinic for over a decade. But it always pops up in conversations like this one...

Except this post was from USN about the top 100 cancer centers. MAPD only came up with the @Fisher post about City of Hope, which he later explained that his TWO clients did not have a problem getting treatment at COH so just ignore the verbiage from their site about managed care plans. I presume he has already contacted them about correcting their site to conform with his experience.

The tenor of the thread had a purpose in letting some folks know that MAPD may not have universal acceptance at hospitals.
Except this post was from USN about the top 100 cancer centers. MAPD only came up with the @Fisher post about City of Hope, which he later explained that his TWO clients did not have a problem getting treatment at COH so just ignore the verbiage from their site about managed care plans. I presume he has already contacted them about correcting their site to conform with his experience.

The tenor of the thread had a purpose in letting some folks know that MAPD may not have universal acceptance at hospitals.

Sorry for mis-understanding --- but it certainly seemed like you were implying that if a friend got cancer, and that friend had an MA plan, that the friend would not have the choice to go to Mayo, or MD Anderson, or Cleveland Clinic....etc.

That's what I wanted to clear up -- many MA plans are in-network with Cleveland Clinic. Those people do have the choice to go to CC.

Yagents said
Gosh, If my good medicare friend got cancer, he would have had the choice of Mayo clinic in AZ. Your friend didn't.
It's not always about the $$$, which seems to be the focus of mapd sales.

somarco said:
Or . . .
MD Anderson (#1 in cancer hospitals)
Cleveland Clinic (#10)
Memorial Sloan-Kettering (#2 in cancer hospitals)
Johns Hopkins (#9)
Dana-Farber Brigham (#5)
Love em' or leave em', there's a trend a' brewin' with MAPDs. Time will tell what changes are coming, but there most certainly will be changes. $140B worth.