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Any Good Scripts for Calling Turning 65 Leads

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sorry to be so short, but i did find this post interesting

Welcome, you learn fast grasshopper.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Good answer! Got to love an agent with a sense of humor.

Try responding to this one with "Yea, I agree." Just a little change of pace.:D
Thanks guys this is very helpful my calls didn't go as too well today, I didnt get enough contacts probably 10 out of the 50 dials and then I gave up. Being new to the game (this may sound strange to the pros) but turning 65 leads seem like gold to me, like 0707 mentioned they are an inexpensive way to practice a pitch but more importantly I gets my foot in the door, to discuss LTC, Final expense etc.
I cant afford to pay $20 for leads, I'm the broke new guy but I'm definitely enthusiastic and fired up.
So with the scripts and tips, I'll just double my call numbers and see how my appointment setting goes.

Somebody out there is gonna love me enough to buy at some point. :)

Thanks guys.

I was in the same boat as you in February. Actually, I take that back, I was only given non responders and didnt get T65's until just recently. One thing I noticed that you said was the number of contacts you made, 10. I know my first week or two on the phone I was only setting 1 out of 20 contacts. Now for the last month I average about 1:8.

In other words, if you are just starting and you only made 10 contacts, that might be the reason why you didn't set an appt. Also, I noticed that T65's seemed to be a little more irritable. They are called constantly because of their age, IMO.
Something interesting happened this week, I went from being dazed and confused with 0 appointments last week to 9 this week, just from what I learned here. Really I took all the advice I received and I believe we have a winning script. Now I can answer the same question I asked when I started this thread.

Hi John(If a guy picks up and its a guy on the lead I just go into his name) Anthony here with XYZ company, if you are anything like me you probably hate getting interrupive calls, but if you give me 30 seconds I'll let you know why called.
(Assume they say yes and continue). I'm a local financial services consultant with XYZ calling to wish you a early happy birthday, I was going to mail you a card, but you probably already get tons of mail right now since you DO get really popular when you're turning 65 in this country? I wanted to inform you that in your county you can get a med supp plan and PDP for $0 and your as of this next month you will be eligible to enroll. Good stuff huh? I like being the bearer of good news.
If you are like most people you would agree that there is so much information out there, Most folks wouldn't know where to start with medicare, what company to go with, or what's a good deal, sound like you?
(room for small talk/conversation. This is where I ask if they will they are currently employed and will they lose coverage when they retire)
I stay busy by counseling with 8-10 people a day answering medical, life and retirement questions and I will be in your area next week is Wed or Thurs better for you?
Morning or afternoon?
Verify address- Ask for directions (mental commitment on their end)
Before I get off may I ask you pencil my info in your calender? you have a pen handy? I'll wait...have them write down my name day and time.
Appt set.

Thanks guys 9 appts out of 21 contacts, i'll take it for my 2nd week.
whoooaaa, you don't want to say a med supp and a pdp plan for $ 0...that is not good. You obviously are talking about a Medicare advantage PDP plan that combines medical and prescription coverage under one plan. A Medicare supplement is completly different then a Medicare Advantage Plan. A Medicare supplement does not have a $ 0 premium. You could get into some trouble for what you're saying. I'm sure there will be other agents jumping in here to tell you the same thing.

You basically have two choices when showing clients a plan. A Medicare supplement with a stand alone prescription drug plan OR a MAPD plan which combines medical and prescription drug coverage all under one plan. With a Medicare supplement you basically have Medicare paying 80% of the medical expenses and a Medicare supplement picking up the other 20%. With a Medicare advantage plan you have a private insurancce company paying 100% of the medicare claims minus a copayment. For example, office calls, 25 copayment, inpatient hospitalizatoin $500 copaymemt, MRI's $100 copayment or whatever your companies copayments are. With a Medicare advantage plan they still have Medicare, they're still in the Medicare progam, it's just that a private insurance company is paying the claims INSTEAD of Medicare.
You really need to read some more of the posts to understand what's going on with the MAPD plans, there are funding cuts that will take place in 2010 and in 2011 these plans will be changing to HMO's or PPO's, somthing most of your clients will not like, You need to do some more reading of these posts. It will benfit you greatly.
When they ask me to mail something I like to say " Well, im gonna take a guess here and say that you probably have a stack of mail sitting on the kitchen counter stacked half way to the ceiling from all the stuff people are sending you. If I sent you something in the mail Id just be adding to the pile. Ill be in your area on thursday why dont we take about an hour or so that I can actually explain how some of these plans work."

Id say that besides humor, silence is one my most powerfull tools in my presentation tool box. Keep them involved in the conversation, ask questions and listen to what they tell you. When they answer your questions they are telling you what you need to do to get the sale. If you dont get the sale it usually means you missed something.

Great approach. It's exactly what I do when I cold call as well.
whoooaaa, you don't want to say a med supp and a pdp plan for $ 0...that is not good. You obviously are talking about a Medicare advantage PDP plan that combines medical and prescription coverage under one plan. A Medicare supplement is completly different then a Medicare Advantage Plan. A Medicare supplement does not have a $ 0 premium. You could get into some trouble for what you're saying. I'm sure there will be other agents jumping in here to tell you the same thing.

You basically have two choices when showing clients a plan. A Medicare supplement with a stand alone prescription drug plan OR a MAPD plan which combines medical and prescription drug coverage all under one plan. With a Medicare supplement you basically have Medicare paying 80% of the medical expenses and a Medicare supplement picking up the other 20%. With a Medicare advantage plan you have a private insurancce company paying 100% of the medicare claims minus a copayment. For example, office calls, 25 copayment, inpatient hospitalizatoin $500 copaymemt, MRI's $100 copayment or whatever your companies copayments are. With a Medicare advantage plan they still have Medicare, they're still in the Medicare progam, it's just that a private insurance company is paying the claims INSTEAD of Medicare.
You really need to read some more of the posts to understand what's going on with the MAPD plans, there are funding cuts that will take place in 2010 and in 2011 these plans will be changing to HMO's or PPO's, somthing most of your clients will not like, You need to do some more reading of these posts. It will benfit you greatly.

I just called went over it a little with my manager and you are right. Back to the drawing board for me.
There lies the secrets to getting my appointments. I wonder is every new agent as hapless as me or am I special?
Honestly, the client probably doesn't remember if you said Supplement or Advantage anyways. Just be sure to make sure you say Advantage from now on but I was curious as to why you set the appt for next week?

Ive noticed its easier to set the appt for that day or the next day
Honestly, the client probably doesn't remember if you said Supplement or Advantage anyways. Just be sure to make sure you say Advantage from now on but I was curious as to why you set the appt for next week?

Ive noticed its easier to set the appt for that day or the next day

I'm so new I still go on appts with my manager, I schedule them he goes with me and I see how the presentation/process works. So we typically schedule a week ahead. We really get in the door, he does a needs analysis and we he tries to cross sell LTC and annuities.