Anyone know anything about Asset Marketing Systems?




I went to a 4 hour seminar today hosted by these folks. They play in the annuity market. The seminar was very professional... three hours an thirty minutes of solid unbiased information on annuities and how to sell them and a half hour about their FMO. I was impressed... but at this point in my career I'm EASILY impressed.

I want to move my fledging 'practice' away from IFP and toward the senior market with MA and Med sups, as a way to get in the door and provide annuities to those seniors where it is appropriate for them.

Anyone know these folks. They claim some impressive numbers in sales (way up in the billions.)


This is one place where I have never heard anything bad about them.

The founder of the company (Rick Metcalf) was killed in a jet ski accident maybe 5 years ago. His kids stepped in (no idea what role they played before) and either promoted an insider or hired an outsider (can't recall which) to run the company. His picture is in most of the adds. A chubby, balding guy with a big smile, Mike Midlam has continued the good work done by Rick and helped to grow the company.

I would definitely give them a second look, and possibly a third. They seem to be one of the few marketing organizations promoting annuities with real numbers to back up their claims.
I know that several of the life mgs's who do not have an annnuity division, recommend that their clients use this company. They also have a have a slightly broader array of companies than most other FMO's. They have the regular list of brokerage companies can also sell Mass mutual, which seems to be very rare, and Aviva, which is less rare, but not too common, and they have some pretty unique annuity products.
I'll have to contact an agent friend of mine who's your age and doing fantastic with annuities. I know the company she writes through sends out the mailers and also sets up the seminar. She does dinner presentations. I think she does better than most people since she's 62 years old and has the highest ethical or moral code I've seen. The seniors instantly relate to her - plus her presentations are more informational and less of a sales presentation. I know she quite doing health insurance a couple years back then contacted me to quit doing health and join her: "John - no underwriting, better commissions, more fun."

You in particular Al, would clean up - intelligent, same age, highly ethical and more into providing information then going for the kill. Even at my age seniors would not relate to me. I'd get "My son's your age."
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I have been working with them for about 18 months now, but have only been doing seminars for the last couple of months. I am running their Smart Ideas seminar. This year I am putting on 60 seminars with AMS's help. So far I have had about 20 buying unit seach night and I am setting about 12 appt's. They do a great job!!

60 seminars!!! How do you find the time?

20 units = 12 appts = 4 sales @ $60,000 avg annualized annuity volume. At 8% that's $2400 x 60 = $144,000

Sound about right?
I'm lost on the math. 4 sales at $60,000 annualized per sale is $240,000 annualized at 8% commish is $19,200 in commissions. Do 60 seminars and it's just over a million a year in commissions?
Do 60 seminars and it's just over a million a year in commissions?

$1M is the goal. However I am taking a trail on my annuity production so my FYC is 6.5%-7%. I have a great staff. All I do is run the program and meet with clients. Someone else does the rest of the work (ppw, service, etc.) My wife has an engineering degree and she is the office manager. I can be replaced, but the work she does is priceless!!

Well....I know it works. My friend does Red Lobster dinner presentations. She has about 15 seniors show up for each dinner and says 3 to 4 become clients. The presentations are set up for her - she just shows up.

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