Anyone Using Creative Marketing's Leads Now Program?

I went on a conference call today and it's intriguing. Because I'm an investment advisor rep I think I'd have a better advantage than an insurance agent who can't do mutual funds. Given the compliance environment surrounding IRAs and annuities, I think it's interesting to target IRA owners with the idea of moving them into an annuity. I'm not saying I wouldn't do that, especially with the various living benefits available with VAs. However, given the nature of the content of the brochure (RMDs) people may want solutions to having to take out an RMD. There's the possibility of converting a portion of the IRAs to Roths...especially with the tax law change in 2010 with no upper limit. Locally we already know other reps/advisors aren't talking about this and encouraging clients to consider how much they can convert without changing their tax situation. For an insurance agent it would be difficult to have this conversation unless they're at least S6/63.

I think I'm going to sign up for this at the later part of August with the first mailer going out after Labor Day. Right now people are so busy with summer..and we're having great weather and have no major wildfires so no smoke to ruin it like the last few years. At 50 cents each I think it's worth a shot. I could do worse with buying online leads, newspaper ads, etc.
I just finished up with about 4000 pieces using 3 different drops spaced a week or so apart using cmic leadsnow. I will post more on this later tonight or tomorrow.
The premise is good. We got maybe 1 pct response which is not so good. I will have to go back and review the calls and numbers.

I failed miserably at it. We mailed the rmd brochures but could not get folks to set appts. I live in an area with that has been saturated by agents marketing annuities, LTC, FE, you name it. I saw the same thing happen with seminar response rates until they gradually decreased to a point that it was not as effective as I considered minimal.

Remember the discussion a bunch of us took part in about the guy showing up at folks doors with the lead card in hand? I think that is what it will take with this program. Trying to set appts from people calling in to get the free RMD booklet the mailer offers is a difficult way to get to an appointment. But if you let them call in, dont answer the phone you get a report that in most cases has their address and contact info. Sooo, you just happen to be in the neighborhood, deliver the brochure, warm them up and try to set an appt for later if you cant get in the door.

I have done a lot of mailers, seminars, preset appts. This one could work, but for a much more aggressive salesman than myself. One of the things I dont like is you dont get a list of those who you mailed to. Most of the other campaigns with other companies I did get the list in excel format.

I just started with a new appt setter for Medicare appts starting Monday. I bought 10 for $250. A good price if the appts are good.

My next mailing will be from a new list I purchase with a reply card that we set appts off of ourselves. I have a good mailing company I use locally and it has been effective in the past.

I like CMIC, but this program did not fit me or my market as well as I had hoped.