
To give you background I have been in the insurance industry for a little over 20 years and I am 45 years old. For the last 10 years I have been developing leads for myself, and the agency I worked at. All of our leads are generated from social media , SEO and PPC. before I sort of focusing on developing my own leads I wasted tens and tens of thousands of dollars on bogus BS leads that are resold over and over again most people were looking for free toaster. With my leads they all know the are requesting a price for life insurance and that their info may be sold to one of our partners. All forms are high intent meaning the customer has to enter info for some fields but not all. These are mainly for telesales as I have only done telesales for 20 years. They are 20 per lead but if you go on our site and where it says name enter your first name , put insurance forums as last name and I will knock it down to $15 with a min order of 10 statewide leads. I have only mostly used my leads for the last 10 years and have had great success with them. I started generating them for agent that I knew/worked with and it took of from there and now my sole focus is the leads. Check us out and call me with any questions. I already had some people tested for me and they gave great feedback. I built this Legion company based on how an agent thinks. Small minimum orders to get started and a generous return policy. All leads are 100% exclusive as I never resell them.
