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Atlanta Kicks Dave Ramsey to the Curb

The guy is an entertained, would you go to Dr. Phil for medical advise. Are the people who take his words of wisdom at gospel really the clients you want, besides the fact that they are idiots the answer would be NO.
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Dave doesn't have life ELPs.

His Zander Agency is the ONLY place that Dave recommends for life insurance.

You sure about that?

I thought Ned (bluemarlin) and Paul (chickndinner) were life ELP's.
Ramsey turned down a move to the evening on WGST but has now accepted midnight -3:00 a.m. on WSB...Jesus...no pun intended.
Squeezed in between Erick (Red State) Erickson and re-Boortz. That should be interesting.
he gives bad advice about life insurances

True. I love it when DR listeners challenge me - "So, what kind of life insurance do you sell?" Fishing for a fight...prepared by Dave.

and tells people they can average 12% in mutual funds.

gimme some more Kool-aid
Here is Dave preaching 12% return on a short term mutual fund investment for buying a car. This is ludicrous.

I just wish someone would take this advice, suffer a big loss and sue him. I don't care how much he preaches it is entertainment, the guts of the show is about following his advice. I can't see how he'd win.
Nevermind the whole paying taxes/insurance/maintenance on the car....those are free, and the 12% is also guaranteed. I hope there's still room on the bandwagon! Where do I sign?
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Correct. Funny, no one ever points out that over the last 10 years the S&P has been basically flat. Now you have to make up the 12% for the last 10 years also.

That time span is about the same time Dave has made his amazing marketing growth.

I like the get out of debt part of his teaching, but when he gets into insurance and investments, he is really leading people down the wrong path.