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Becoming a State Farm Agent

Why would you do that to yourself? Why would a 61 year old making $75,000 per year risk it all to start a business where you would have to sink what little you have saved into a business that you can end up "not being offered a contract" after a year? Plus, work 16 hours a day 7 days a week for years...for free? Bad decision. Don't worry. I don't think there is a chance they will put you on due to your age. (I am about your same age.) Keep your present job and your peace of mind!
you're not too old for state farm to consider, as when I went through the training program there was someone around your age. I would not advise it though, based on the data you've given me. If you are content with your job and can retire in 5-10 years I'd stick with that route. It will take 5-10 for you to even see the light at the end of the tunnel even longer if you are going scratch.
As long at you've got about 100k laying around to get your office up and running and 2-5 years before turning a serious profit I think it's a great place to start. Ok...a little sarcastic...before moving in that direction you need to talk to half a dozen agents that have started their agencies in the last 5 years and then make your decision. My two cents are they were a great company for the agent two decades ago and they are currently a great company for State Farm.

I have a friend that is in his second year of running his own SF office that would agree with you. His uncle is a 30 year SF agent that said he would go Indy if he were starting right now. SF owns th business so you are basically working hard for the opportunity for a high paying job... but you are not really a business owner because you don't own the book of business.
Popped back in for a look . . . I guess it's true that you can never go back--not much movement in the conversation.

Cal-Nugget: There are the rules of the game and then there are THEE Rules of THEE Game. (You're not a real player in this thing if you don't even know the Name of thee Game.) Here's the thermometer to check your temperature: If you don't know what I am actually saying, then chances are you are just standing around looking the part, but eventually, dude, you are going to get poned.

I can tell a lot of nice, but naive, dudes are just poking up their heads in Agency like "Whack-a-moles". An office about two miles from mine is on its third noob in about 18 months. I can already see the shadow of the mallet over this guy's head but he seems to still be clueless . . . Poor little moley.

I got dibs on the furniture though, so at least there's that.

NIce to see you still alive and kicking. Hope you like the furniture.
Anybody know about ALFA? They seem to be mostly in the south, I can't find much on them. Just wondering if anyone had any experience with them.
i am looking into the opportunity. the recruiter says scratch is the best way to go (!). i see on this board...maybe not so much. are there any agents on here that are scratch that are in year 5 or later??? wondering how they are doing and what to look forward to (IF i decide to follow through). too many on the SF side are really selling the red kool-aid.

to be upfront, based on my research, i am not sure it is worth pursuing. uncertainty in the insurance climate, the mgmt decides if you stay in business instead of the owner, no equity, no control of price, politics. i am also considering owning a franchise food service like Subway or Quiznos and my pro formas look like i would break even a lot sooner than the agent gig. the only reason i entertained looking at this was i met a recruiter and he told me to look into it and said all the renewals commissions are a key comp benefit.
If your going to be a captive agent, then I suggest you look at a company where you do have equity in your book.

I have a few friends from OH and PA that didn't do well with Quizno's.

I recently sold my book of business (Allstate) and I am happy that I did so. If you have any questions about obtaining a company (Insurance) please let me know.