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Becoming Motivated?

I relate what I do to being a stage performer.

A stage actor loves to perform - loves to act in front of audience. It doesn't mean he doesn't get nervous before the curtain goes up - he certainly goes.

But when the curtain goes up he walks on stage, the butterflies leave quickly and does a great show.

What I see in this biz is the curtain goes up and the actor says "ummmm, not going on stage today."

I get the nerves in the morning before prospecting; BtoB or telemarketing but that goes away quickly after I start.
Yes, it's a numbers game. Make the 100 calls and be positive and watch the appointments get on the calendar and sales made. I do the same. Hit the phones and walk and talks heavy when sales are down.

Amazing how the motivation improves when the sales are coming in again.

Except develop is spelled develope. You must be feeling lenient today.:yes:

Hey suck on this for a while!
Develop De*vel"op, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Developed; p. pr. & vb. n. Developing.] [F. d['e]veloper; d['e]- (L. dis-) + OF. voluper, voleper, to envelop, perh. from L. volup agreeably, delightfully, and hence orig., to make agreeable or comfortable by enveloping, to keep snug (cf. Voluptuous); or. perh. fr. a derivative of volvere, volutum, to roll (cf. Devolve). Cf. Envelop.] [Written also develope.] 1. To free from that which infolds or envelops; to unfold; to lay open by degrees or in detail; to make visible or known; to disclose; to produce or give forth; as, to develop theories; a motor that develops 100 horse power.

If you are Arnguy are going to act like this, please be more learnt of your knowledge.

Ps, you wanna question "Learnt"?
Hey suck on this for a while!

If you are Arnguy are going to act like this, please be more learnt of your knowledge.

Ps, you wanna question "Learnt"?

I am Arnguy and I did not post that correction for the word develop, but I do question your source for develope and learnt. In what dictionary do those word appear? Also your sentence, "If you are Arnguy are going to act like this..." does not make any sense at all. :realmad::realmad::realmad:
I am Arnguy and I did not post that correction for the word develop, but I do question your source for develope and learnt. In what dictionary do those word appear? Also your sentence, "If you are Arnguy are going to act like this..." does not make any sense at all. :realmad::realmad::realmad:

Dictionary.com, okay it was the online version!:yes::cry::biggrin::bump:
Let's face it, I caught you making a mistake on corrections!

Learnt, the past tense of learn, old english style but, still accurate!
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James, I think you need to read your own post a little more carefully. You quoted from Fostever, then took Arnguy to task. When Arnguy tried to bring this to your attention, you ignored what he said and continued with your rant.

Can't we all just get along? :twitchy:
James, I think you need to read your own post a little more carefully. You quoted from Fostever, then took Arnguy to task. When Arnguy tried to bring this to your attention, you ignored what he said and continued with your rant.

Can't we all just get along? :twitchy:

Well, you are correct. I had a flashback back when Arnguy corrected me wrongly. So when Fostever did correct me wrongly, I figured I would kill two birds with one stone, well I'm frugal if nothing else!
Along what James said...I had a very successful mortgage broker tell me once that if you love what you do and do it well, the money will take care of itself.

Nike said it the most bluntly and simply...Just Do It.
We were in Kohl's about a week ago and they had an employee walking around with a clipboard asking everyone if they would like to sign up for a Kohl's credit card. She hit my wife and I and we simply said no.

Big deal. It was 10 seconds of our lives however I'm sure that she signed up "X" amount of people before her shift ended. What percentage? Probably 1% or less.

This is what I do. I ask people if they'd like to lower their rate. Wow - big deal. 15 seconds later 95% say no, 5% say yes.

For the people who said no - who cares. For the people who said yes, I can be a huge positive impact on their lives.

If you don't think you can have a huge positive impact on people's lives I think the clock's ticking down to your exit from this field.

I personally don't give a rat's ass if I'm on the phone or BtoB for 2 hours. I get that one deal and save people thousands a year or get people off crap plans like Mega.

You can save someone from BK by getting them off a limited or discount plan. I'm working with a lady now - 56 and got sucked into a discount plan a few months back - was assured it was "real" health insurance.

This isn't to say I don't get the stage jitters before my prospecting but for the love of God let's get over it.

We have an opportunity most people in the world would kill for. Or don't you know there are people in India working in sweat shops and going "home" to rice for dinner and no electricity.

I'd like one of those people to sit beside us all day and see what they think of agents sitting around with their thumbs up their ass because they're "too scared" to prospect.

"So - let me get this straight. You could make thousands a week by asking people if they want a lower rate but you're scared? Well, I'm back off to work - another 20 hours of sowing buttons on shirts for $3.25....for the day."

This isn't to day I'm not a fan of sales books - I am. Everyone needs to learn and hone their sales skills. But motivation? If you can't garner up the mental energy to simply do your job then insurance isn't your field.