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Blueprint for Success for New Agents

If you live in it, you might be "ghetto" too and it won't matter. If you're not, that should motivate you to do the other things he's talking about so you won't be in the ghetto anymore.
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Thanks for sharing this valuable info. However, in what kind of neighborhood do you go door to door and introduced yourself? What if your neighborhood is kind of ghetto?

I don't have a problem with my ghetto neighborhood, and my neighborhood is pretty ghetto LOL. I had my car stolen earlier this year...from my driveway at 10:30 on a Monday morning.

Then again, I'm a 6'0 tall 260 pound amateur bodybuilder. So, most people don't want to mug me LOL.

The thing to remember is that you need to sell life insurance. The people who's door your knocking on need to buy life insurance. If you don't see them someone else will and you won't get the client.

If your neighborhood sucks that bad then I would suggest moving one town over and trying there. It doesn't matter where you door knock, it just matters that you door knock.

Try to find a nice condominium complex or a nice development and just get it done. It doesn't have to be YOUR neighborhood. It can be any neighborhood. Its just a good way to meet people, get business, and get out in the world instead of sitting in your office all day. At the end of the year you could have 50 more clients and think of all the exercise that you are getting from just a few hours of walking every Saturday.

I have a 6:00pm appointment. I just wanted to check in to see what kind of sh*t storm had developed here since I posted this last night LOL.

The main thing to remember is to meet as many new people as you can. Like I said, if you are only getting sales from 1% of the 200 people that you get in front of every week you will be in that $50,000 per year income range. That is a whole lot better than most new agents are doing and think of everything that you will learn along the way!

You will hit big cases every once in a while and you will have success in the business market PLUS you will find out in six months or less whether or not the insurance business is right for you. If you are getting in front of 200 people per week and you're not writing at least 2 apps a week you need to find a new career.
Some of my biggest cases have been as a result of cold calling businesses in areas that you wouldn't walk around in after dark. Businesses are about profit, and if they can maximize profits while having their location in a less-than-desirable area, better for them. And better for the agent that has the stones to go into those less-than-desirable areas!
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Even if it's not a "ghetto,"...

As I mentioned, I could not and would not do that in my neighborhood. Imagine if everyone did!

Where do you live? I will walk and talk in your neighborhood and take the business LOL. I'm out in Columbus a few times a year supporting my Buckeyes (OSU alum '01).

For the record, home football Saturdays are probably not a good day to go knocking for dollars in Columbus. Anyone who has been there knows this LOL.
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Nice post. I am a newbie selling for Farmers Insurance, and I agree with you 100%. I would rather buy insurance of someone involved in the community and willing to get face to face with their customers than having to go to an office to talk about insurance, even if it cost me more.

That is the beauty of being independent. I will run your rates with 20 different carriers and I will find you the best rates. I will come to your house, do all of the leg work, save you money, and give you great service. Not many of my policies get replaced.

I'm not claiming to be any type of expert, but I do know one thing. In this business you pay yourself what you are worth. If you are out there hustling and meeting people and taking apps your checks will be fat and happy. If you are surfing porn sites untill 11:00am and then checking your e-mail to see if any leads came in, and then eating lunch, and then making a dozen phone calls after dinner don't expect your checks to be as fat and happy as someone who earned their money.
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Tom...I admire your enthusiasm. But I could never bring myself to go door-to-door and ask my neighbors if they have a life insurance agent. If it works for you, then keep doing it.

Re..."don't waste your time on leads."...as a blanket statement, I disagree. I get about 10-15 free leads per day and I hope to get up to 25 within 12 months. There is nothing wrong with leads.
:GEEK:How do you get free leads? Thanks, Mike
Tom great posts.... I have about 20 yrs of sales experience, but new to insurance sales. I thought buying leads was the answer. I did not do a very good job with leads, I was competing with experienced agents. SO........

Back to the basics. A prospecting system of dropping off brochures at local business, 3-4 hrs per morning, and 3-4 hrs of phone calls in the afternoon to make appointments.

I imagine my next 4 months will be more profitable than the previous 8.

There is no easy way, but a consistent effort, which should brings results.
Excellent Post! It's a great reminder to "keep it simple."
The door knocking works for me when I get out there, but I can understand some people not excelling in that system. What I enjoyed most about this post was the reminder that no matter which prospecting system you choose, ya just have to get out there and get it done!